Fixed Penalty Notice

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
I don't get your beef. Ride illegally expect it. :biggrin:


Evo Lucas
[QUOTE 2553877, member: 30090"][/quote]

Squinting at your post I only red the first line. Thought I'd reply anyway!


Legendary Member
Yup. Best thing to say was;
'It' a fair cop guv' you got me bang to rights this time, Cor Blimey!'
I ride like this, so I can't get smug or censorious, but the Police seem perfectly reasonable, polite and constructive in this clip.

Not sure how it is a stupid place to be earning revenue. If you see it as a revenue-generating exercise, you may need to reflect a little. The authorities could earn far more, far more quickly in other ways.

They are trying to make the highways safer - and in their view (and the view of the Law) your riding in that clip was doing the opposite.

You were very polite and took your medicine, but to then go online with the comment "Still a stupid place to be raising revenue" smacks of teenage sulk more than anything.

It reminds me of speeding drivers (I have a dreadful track record of SP30s and big fines) who bleat about revenue-generation when really they just chose to ignore big roadside signs and a needle on their dashboard that points at numbers.

I'm glad you put the footage up, as it shows the Police in a good light. But it is not a stupid place to stop lawbreakers.


Evo Lucas
I ride like this, so I can't get smug or censorious, but the Police seem perfectly reasonable, polite and constructive in this clip.

Not sure how it is a stupid place to be earning revenue. If you see it as a revenue-generating exercise, you may need to reflect a little. The authorities could earn far more, far more quickly in other ways.

They are trying to make the highways safer - and in their view (and the view of the Law) your riding in that clip was doing the opposite.

You were very polite and took your medicine, but to then go online with the comment "Still a stupid place to be raising revenue" smacks of teenage sulk more than anything.

It reminds me of speeding drivers (I have a dreadful track record of SP30s and big fines) who bleat about revenue-generation when really they just chose to ignore big roadside signs and a needle on their dashboard that points at numbers.

I'm glad you put the footage up, as it shows the Police in a good light. But it is not a stupid place to stop lawbreakers.

If you ever cycle in London or have access to a map reflect on the geography of where I'm cycling and consider that perhaps I'm seeking the safest route to work.

I'm happy to pay the fine and happy with the officers but extremely unhappy that a cyclist is forced to take a more dangerous route to avoid this stretch.


Evo Lucas
Raising revenue?
Fining someone for breaking the law you mean.

By essence.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
To quote "I broke the law and legally deserved the ticket but morally I'm simply looking for a safe route to work."

Find one that doesn't break the law :crazy:



Ride It Like You Stole It!
Nope. I will continue to use this route.

Folk like you give us cyclists a bad name. Just saying. Expect more fines if the boys turn up.

Don't know what's more stupid:-

1. Breaking the law by jumping the lights and cycling down a prohibited road (you got lucky with one fine)
2. Posting on a forum
3. Filming it
4. To intend to continue to use that route.
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