FNRttC Flemish Night Ride to the Kust 2017 (CLOSED)

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Registration is CLOSED for the fifth and final Friday Night Ride to the Kust in Belgium, Brussels to Ostend. If you are still keen but not on the list we can stick you on a waiting list in case of cancellations

Saturday (not Friday) 29th April is the date.

What do we have?
  • As flat as a pancake route except for the odd bridge and the Koekelberg at a mere 70m elevation.
  • This time, we have a south west approach into Ostend, cycling on the promenade along the seafront.
  • A middle of the night "3 course meal" for an entirely reasonable fee provided by the most generous family Vandevelde (58km arrive 3-3:30AM), or the 24 hour 't Hoekske in Ghent.
  • An early morning breather in Bruges (112km arrive 8-8:30AM) at Carpe Diem (or Panos by the station if we're later and/or want a quicker turnaround)
  • Huge breakfast in Ostend at patisserie Caruso (143km arrive 11-11:30AM).

The detail?
  • Meet at La Chaloupe D'Or, Grand Place, 24-25, (there is a small charge for using the facilities, bring some euro change - or ask me)
  • We leave at 11PM (not midnight). This gives us extra time at Vandevelde’s and extra time for a decent breather in Bruges.
  • The route is 143km, above the average night ride. A small test of stamina if you haven’t done more than 120km before.
  • @mmmmartin is the best person to ask about getting back to UK logistics.
  • Maximum 14 people. It's the law. Edit: extending to a second group of 14.
  • GPX file is attached.
The usual rules apply: CTC membership (for the third-party insurance) and membership of The Fridays which is massive two quid and be acquired at the click of a button here:

Who's in?
1) @swarm_catcher
2) @Flandrienne
2) @mmmmartin
3) @ianrauk
4) David Chan - Confirmed
5) David's son Robin - TBC
6) @Trickedem
7) @StuartG
8) @User
9) @User13710
10) @StuAff
11) @Eddie_C
11) @wanda2010
12) @Gordon P TBC
13) @theclaud
14) @yorkshire

We're opening a second group of 14.
1) Mary
2) @BalkanExpress
3) Matt Wilson

Who's in which group is to be decided nearer the time, or even just before the ride :smile:



  • FNRttK2017.GPX
    399.1 KB · Views: 123
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Random geezer

Here's the thread about last year's ride:
Note this year's will be the final ride led by @swarm_catcher and with the lovely family, who we have roused from their beds at an unearthly hour far too many times and impinged on their hospitality far too vigorously.
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
OK, I'll throw my hat in the ring.

My plan would be to do the night ride, then after brekkie cycle on to Calais to get the ferry.

@mmmmartin , what is the crack with Eurostar to Brussels?


Sorry for this question.
When you say Saturday not Friday. Cycle Saturday into Sunday.. is that correct?

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Random geezer
after brekkie cycle on to Calais to get the ferry
Sorry, @ianrauk I've not used Eurostar but @StuAff and @StuartG have. Tickets go on sale 180 days before I believe. StuG has also used Megabus, which cost him tuppence and has free wifi. I think Megabus likes you to have a clown bike though. No doubt they'll both be along in a minute.
I can comment on the return: from Ostend I have taken the kust-tram, which has the longest track of its kind in the world, from Ostend to de Panne near the border with France. It's about €10 I think, inc bike. Then ridden the 30k from de Panne to Dunkirk and taken the 4pm boat, arriving two hours later in Dover at 3pm UK time. Then the train home. Riding to Calais involves an additional 30k and some of the roads you'd want to take were closed with hundred of French coppers around The Jungle. Whether that is the case now I don't know. It's a bit more to buy a ticket at Dunkirk - rather than online beforehand. Instead of the usual €20 it was €40 I think I had to pay when I turned up without a ticket.

I might drive over a day or so before, rent the AirBNB place in Ostend used by @AKA Bob and me when we did the Borders of Belgium audax this year, and take The Present Mrs Mmmmartin for a weekend, then get the train into Brussels on the Saturday night and return triumphant on the Sunday morning.
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slower but no further
SE London
Yes, Megabus (& Eurolines) don't take bikes but they do take Bromptons :smile:

I did Victoria to Brussels and returned from Ghent - a train ride from Oostende and a place worth visiting in its own right rather than the shadowy impressions one gets going through on the actual ride.

If you go Eurostar you have to decide which is cheapest:
1) A return to Brussels and pay a train fare back from Oostende
2) A 'Belgium' return ticket allowing travel to/from any Belgium station
3) Single to Brussels plus a single Belgium ticket.

Or you help the old man + bike onto tram and return via Dunkirk.

Or, as I'm thinking atm - doing the ride and riding on to Bullecourt near Arras to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of an Anerley Bicycle Club Captain in WW1 on May 3rd. A diversion to Roubaix and the odd brewery may be involved. Its that type of club if you want to tag along.
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slower but no further
SE London
Note this year's will be the final ride led by @swarm_catcher and with the lovely family, who were have roused from their beds at the unearthly hour far too many times and impinged on their hospitality far too vigorously.
Aaah, its too good to end. Maybe in 2018 we could do a DAY ride to see what we have been missing all these years. We have a track and it might just be possible to find somewhere in Belgium that serves food + drink during the day? Or am I dreaming?
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