Flies(and now incorporating fleas). Products to top them with and is it ethical to top them?

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
You need a Leo to dispose of flies.

Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Oh a bit of thread resurrection i see. Well seeing as it's back on,i'll tell you about the latest things they have down the pub to catch the dirty devils. I went in last night and saw what looked like a model of a flying saucer. Blue lights,round,silver in colour and looking like it'd do the job. Well it didn't,as the dirty gits were taking the piss,landing on folks heads,knees,arms etc etc!:cursing: I managed to top three of them. I'm now in the lead for the Golden Swat award,with a registered 14 kills,with my nearest rival trailing behind on 7. Only 3 weeks to go then the trophy's mine! :dance:
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Now fleas not flies are a problem to me. My dog was constantly scratting so i checked and saw the dirty devils running all over his belly. Yesterday i bought some
'Frontline'. It says on the packet that it'll take 24-48 hours for it to take affect. Last night he was going frantic,as the shop assistant in 'Pets At Home' told me that after a few hours of application the fleas start to get worried and run like crazy trying to find shelter. I picked a few off him and flushed then down the toilet,mainly for my satisfaction/payback more than anything else. I took him down my local pub last night. The so called landlady saw him scratting and asked me if he had fleas. I said yes,but they'll be gone soon to which she replied "You can't bring him in here,they'll jump off him and live in the carpet". She said it i few times till i blew my top! 'He's probably caught the fecking things down this shoot hole" i replied.:cursing: The next time i go in she'll probably be telling me that the pub has a flea infestation due to my dog. :rolleyes:
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Now i'm a lover of animal life and hate cruelty (someone left a pro shooting/hunting magazine down the pub on Monday:stop:,so i threw it in the bin:angel:) but surely it's ok/ethical to kill fleas? Maybe flies should be spared in certain cases as they aren't always attacking us,but fleas are downright evil. They aren't part of the food chain like flies are. I know some say that if the flies disappeared the world would end,but surely this can't be said about these blood sucking,disease spreading parasites,..can it? Was it them that started the Plague of London,or was it the fire of London they started?:unsure:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Fleas need burning with fire (or flea ointment). They lay eggs in your carpet which can remain dormant for years, so it's worth keeping the dog topped up, especially in summer. We have 4 cats but don't flea every month, and not in winter as 3 are indoor, and the outdoor cat is old and doesn't chase anything (think Garfield). Many years ago we had fleas in the carpet in one corner of the room, just so happened to be where the PC was - bitten ankles ! Took an age to kill them, and they are near on impossible to squish between fingers.

PS you can get frontline and advantage much cheaper on-line - it's over £20 for 4 vials at the VET or about £9 on line.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
PS you can get frontline and advantage much cheaper on-line - it's over £20 for 4 vials at the VET or about £9 on line.

I paid 8 pounds summat for one. I would've bought the stuff on-line but he was in so much discomfort i couldn't wait the week or so it'd take to arrive. I will order some now though for if/when the dirty things return,when this dose wears off. He's led down asleep in his bed now. He's sleeping having spent most of the night scratting away. I think it's starting to work now as he's not stressed out like he was.:smile:

They say you should vacuum to get rid of fleas,but the crafty scumbags dig in deep to avoid the suction.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I ordered from Vet Medic. PS he will scratch for a bit due to skin irritation
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
PS If the fleas jump on him now, they will be killed off.
I spoke too soon! I've just checked. The fleas are all over his belly still. It'll be 24 hours since application at about 3 o clock. If they aren't gone or fading out by this evening i'll start to worry. I don't think you can apply more such stuff once they've had their dose. Maybe flea prevention shampoo would help. Any ideas?


Legendary Member
Thinking seriously about this subject (as you do) I have nothing against flies in general but......
What I do object to is all these bl**dy foreign flies coming in.
They come over here, often hidden in meat containers. Feed on OUR British dog sh*t on OUR British pavements. Live for nowt in our houses and breed like, like, like flies.
They even mix breed with OUR flies.
Round them up and send the b***ers back where they come from is what I say.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I spoke too soon! I've just checked. The fleas are all over his belly still. It'll be 24 hours since application at about 3 o clock. If they aren't gone or fading out by this evening i'll start to worry. I don't think you can apply more such stuff once they've had their dose. Maybe flea prevention shampoo would help. Any ideas?
I checked him at 4pm and touchwood the only fleas i saw were tiny ones,which i presume are newly hatched ones which haven't bitten him and taken the 'poison' yet. So hopefully the stuff i put on him is beginning to work.


Fleas need burning with fire (or flea ointment). They lay eggs in your carpet which can remain dormant for years, so it's worth keeping the dog topped up, especially in summer. We have 4 cats but don't flea every month, and not in winter as 3 are indoor, and the outdoor cat is old and doesn't chase anything (think Garfield). Many years ago we had fleas in the carpet in one corner of the room, just so happened to be where the PC was - bitten ankles ! Took an age to kill them, and they are near on impossible to squish between fingers.

PS you can get frontline and advantage much cheaper on-line - it's over £20 for 4 vials at the VET or about £9 on line.
Hideous things!
Moved into our house 3 years ago. The place had been empty for a month and the previous occupants had a cat. The carpet - and all the cracks between the varnished floorboards were completely infested and, without the cat, the damn things were starving. If you put your bare foot down, there were hundreds up to about half way up your shin. Took me 6 - 8 months and about £150 in repeated sprays to finally get rid of them completely.
Like a medieval plague!
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