FNRttC Christmas Ride and Drinks. Thursday 29th December 2011

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Bexley, Kent
I'm not likely to get to AB1 until about 5pm. I hope you won't all be too drunk when I do finally roll up as I'm not sure I'll be able to catch up after the past few days....


pre-talced and mighty
just to re-cap

Hyde Park Corner 11.30 for !2.00 start. Please, please do not roll up any later than 11.35. The ride is about ten miles and I think we'll get to All Bar One at about 14.30


Milton Keynes
I should be free on the 29th. Supposed to be working from home but I can make the time up elsewhere. Marilyn, Clive, Simon and Susie if there is a SE posse riding up can I tag along please.
Hi Louise
If you still want to do this could you get in touch with Marilyn to arrange it (she's txted you) - we reckon on leaving Purley around 10 am


I'm going to attempt to do this ride, but I'll need to be up at stupid o'clock to go and get the kittehs, and be back at a sane time to cycle to HPC, although it's probably going to be tight!

If I don't manage it for some reason (either public transport not being helpful, or oversleeping!) I'll still be at the bar for drinks.


Hyde Park Corner 11.30 for !2.00 start. Please, please do not roll up any later than 11.35.
Based on the earliest time I can pick the cats up, I think I'll be back in Croydon around 10, or shortly thereafter. I'll jump on Red and cycle into town, which should take less than an hour, so I should make this in time. If for some reason I miss the train, the next one will be half an hour later, which would probably put me after the 1135 deadline, but still before 1200, so I could be in trouble...
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