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How fast is super speedy?

I think this year we did closer to 15mph, although we did get to the end so fast, that the cafe wasn't open yet, and we had to wait around quite a while before we could even order our breakfasts.


pre-talced and mighty
I think this year we did closer to 15mph, although we did get to the end so fast, that the cafe wasn't open yet, and we had to wait around quite a while before we could even order our breakfasts.
less than that in London and considerably more out of London
Right. Got all the rides (except the Super Speedy - I'm not daft) in the diary. Can't come to all, because of other commitments such as camping (a lot) in summer, but I'm looking forward to a lot of moonlit lanes.


Bexley, Kent
Just bumping this thread to find out of the 'tour' is definitely fixed for 15 - 22 September, even though the route is yet to be decided? I'm under some pressure to firm another (non-bike) tour at about the same time.



Random geezer
Just bumping this thread to find out of the 'tour' is definitely fixed for 15 - 22 September, even though the route is yet to be decided?
In the absence of Dellzeqq, who may or may not be along in a minute to confirm one way or another, I'd have thought if it were confirmed then we would know about it. And obviously the dates would be dependent on the route, or at least influenced by the route.
Which is a long way of me saying: "No." Or rather: I don't think so."


Openly Marxist
Just bumping this thread to find out of the 'tour' is definitely fixed for 15 - 22 September, even though the route is yet to be decided? I'm under some pressure to firm another (non-bike) tour at about the same time.


I hope not, and if DZ is susceptible to persuasion on it I'll be angling for different dates, as I can't do that week but would be sorry to miss the tour.


pre-talced and mighty
my problem is this

I still think that there is a decent 6-day route to be had out of Barcelona to Nice. I need to go over there sometime soon and find it.

If I'm wrong, then it's London to John O'Groats, which is a June 9-day ride and not a September/October ride.

The third way is to fix a week/week and a half in late May which will serve both.

My other problem is that the charity ride is in the balance. It will almost certainly not be September 7th. If it isn't then it will be August 31st (a straight swap with Whtistable, but clashing with the Paralympics, which, supposedly, makes it difficult for the emergency services to cope with....) or September 14th. This I have some control over, in that I'm close to just dropping the whole thing.


Random geezer
Well all I can say is I'm glad it's someone else's responsibility to sort out that particular game of three-dimensional chess. What with having to recce the potential route in France, juggling dates for the tour in the UK/France, dealing with "the emergency services", deciding dates for the "normal" rides and deciding the future of the charity ride, i'm glad I just have to turn up and pedal then eat breakfast....................


Silencing his legs regularly
the story as of now. The Big Brighton FNRttC hangs in the balance, though.


At the moment our genteel ride clashes with the Moonriders.

As opposed to 'gives them a much better alternative' :smile:

Notice you've moved Southsea up to April...is that now set? If so, I'll might have to investigate alternative cafe options as the Castle doesn't open till May (though they are doing a couple of special events in November & December so hopefully still doable, I'll drop them another line).

Hope the issues with the charity ride get sorted, but can imagine those are many and complicated...


pre-talced and mighty
As opposed to 'gives them a much better alternative' :smile:

Notice you've moved Southsea up to April...is that now set? If so, I'll might have to investigate alternative cafe options as the Castle doesn't open till May (though they are doing a couple of special events in November & December so hopefully still doable, I'll drop them another line).

Hope the issues with the charity ride get sorted, but can imagine those are many and complicated...
think cheap. Think chips. Think cups of stewed tea. Think early opening.


Silencing his legs regularly
think cheap. Think chips. Think cups of stewed tea. Think early opening.

That's easy....;) As intensively tested by Hummers and the rest of the local audax mob....

It will be open regardless of how early we make it....

And here's the view....


Another greasy-spoon option on the seafront springs to mind (though sadly lacking a sea view).
If I'm wrong, then it's London to John O'Groats, which is a June 9-day ride and not a September/October ride.

If it does end up being this, the offer of cake/food/washing machine use etc still stands, btw. One silver lining to my change of circumstances is that I can fill my entire (rather small) house with bikes and hungry smelly cyclists with impunity and without negotiating. I managed a proper Sunday lunch for 10, cooked one-handed which was entertaining, the weekend of the York-Hull ride and have previously squeezed 13 people round the dining table.

(btw - I rode my bike this week! Woo hoo!)
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