For pity's sake.

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Taking the biscuit
Just got in from dropping 'the good lady' off at work on the tandem.

On my way home I was stopped and giving way at a mini roundabout when a WVM starts heavily nudging my back wheel.

Although there was no way I could enter the roundabout owing to the traffic coming from my right, he kept on nudging.

Calmly I make eye contact and say 'stop'.
At the third nudge I couldn't contain my anger and let fly with a right mouthful, saw my gap and set off.

200 yards down the road this ape overtakes me, pulls in and gets out carrying a metal bar.

Doing some quick talking, I gently questioned if he really needed to start his day by assaulting someone who has memorised his van's reg and could identify him again easily, I got him to put the bar down, get back in his van and drive away.

For pity's sake!
How impatient and stupid are people?

P.S. The sad thing is that I hadn't memorised his reg at all and for some reason I was without my phone otherwise I would have taken pictures of his van. Another inconsiderate and dangerous driver is back on the road in the pig headed belief that they were in the right.:sad:


Active Member
I think someone that carries a metal bar in the cab of his van has an attitude problem before he gets out. Forget about it, or warn the local plod.


Cycling Excusiast
Jesus Tdr1nka - empathise with you- what is it with people at the moment?

Glad you got out of the tricky patch with what seems like an imbecile!


Taking the biscuit
Going to let it drop tbh.

No real details to give the Police.

I just needed to rant and make sure this event doesn't set the mood for the entire day.

Thank you Ian, I'll pass on tea, I'm running errands and having lunch with the infamous Dayvo today. Another day soon tho.:sad:


Rider of Seolferwulf
'kin hell mate, that's shocking! Mucho sympathy and thinking about you. I'm steaming mad on your behalf now.


Taking the biscuit
Hi BM!
Dunno if you know Brockley Cross(the Brockley Rd/Shardolese Rd. intersection heading for Goldsmiths? It was at the double roundabout just after the railway bridge, a truly sh*te piece of road planning at the best of times.:sad:


Blimey :sad: !!!!


Purveyor of fine nonsense
Unfortunately, this guy sounds like one of the 0.01% of the population who are complete psychos.

Some people do that kind of thing for fun. Seriously, they get off on it.

Thankfully, they make up a tiny fraction of the population and typically they are not popular with anyone else in any other part of their lives.


Taking the biscuit
It's having to be reasonable with potentially dangerous idiots and dealing with their problems that really gets under my skin.

I'll admit that the moment I saw the metal bar I was looking for my D-Lock but as I was only dropping my GF at work and heading straight home I didn't have it with me.
Realising this I stood my ground and kept talking.



Cycling Excusiast
All I can say is very well done for thinking on your feet and keeping your cool. Unfortuantely, we can't control the behaviours of other people only our own responses and how we feel about it and deal with it

Sounds f*****g stressful though and you handled it really well and diffused it safely


Well done tdr1nka. Bike is in one piece and so are you. Sounds like it could have ended nastily, you should be proud to have taken the high ground.


Legendary Member
Well done for diffusing the situation tdr1nka and keping your teeth intact.

I remember when I first came to London (I used to live on St Asaphs Rd, nr Brockley Cross), I had a similar incident not far from there - a WVM wielding a car jack, but that's a story for the pub...
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