Forum ride from Hebden Bridge, Sat 22nd Oct 2022, 52 km (33 miles)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I have been a bit poorly recently so have not been up to tackling my usual 100 km forum rides. I am on the mend though and now fancy squeezing in a couple more forum rides this year. I thought I'd do a shorter one than usual to give myself an easier ride and attract people who would be okay with half a metric century.

I have chosen Saturday, 22nd October for the ride, but will keep the 29th in reserve just in case disgusting weather ends up forecast for the 22nd. We will start at 10:30, which should mean that you can get over here by train in time for the ride if needs be.

PS See THIS POST for details of a slight change to the route described below!

The route I came up with starts and finishes in Hebden Bridge. It covers 52 km (33 miles) and is quite lumpy - around 1,000 m (3,300 ft) of ascent. The climbing is all in the first 42 km to our one cafe stop at the scenic Craggies, above Cragg Vale near Mytholmroyd. There is a very easy 10 km run back to Hebden Bridge from the cafe with a nice descent to Mytholmroyd, and then using the flat Calder Valley Cycleway which avoids using the A646.

We will take in the Cragg Vale climb, which claims to be the longest continuous climb in England. You can choose to ride it at a steady pace, or attack it and wait for me at the top! It is mostly a very easy gradient (about 2-4%), although there is a short steeper section halfway up, maxing out at around 9-10%. It averages 3.4% for around 9 km (5.5 miles). There is often a cross-headwind on the exposed moorland section higher up and that can be harder work than the climb itself.

I'll take you round some nice lanes with views of Calderdale. If you don't know it round here, you should get a good feel for the area.

I'll update the thread later, but for now here is a map showing the roads covered by the ride...
52 km Calderdale forum ride map.png

The route profile...
52 km Calderdale forum ride profile.png

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Sunny Radcliffe
Put me down for a place. Will probably start from number 1 daughter's in Sowerby Bridge, meet up in Hebden and then bale at Craggies.
Will speak to number 1 this week.


Excellent, put me on the list, the ride looks great, well done @ColinJ :okay:

I'll be out today for some practice rides up hills around Frodsham and Utkinton, Cheshire is very flat, so I'm looking forward to this very hilly forum ride.

I'll be slow, but I have enough gears to get up anything (but very slowly).

24-34-44 front triple and a 14-42 rear Cassette.:laugh:


I should be here it's in the diary!
pending family overriding! 😭😭😭

Got to be back by 3pm so may ride back via mixenden rather than return to HB.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I would love to come up one day and do one of your rides Colin.
I hope you do - it is always nice to meet more forum members.

As long as you aren't gonna go more than 15mph (coz the motor won't go faster than that) on the flat please put me down as a possibility* @ColinJ :smile:

*Diabetes/depression/anxiety/train strikes /nuclear holocaust
Funnily enough... If you look at the profile, there isn't actually that much flat on the route. You will be faster uphill. I think the only times we will be going faster than 15 mph will be downhill and you could just freewheel then!

Got to be back by 3pm so may ride back via mixenden rather than return to HB.
You could drop down to Luddenden Foot after the cafe instead of going to Mytholmroyd, and head for Mixenden from there?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Oh, I forgot...

***** ColinJ's forum rider tag list *****
Fellow forum riders, I am planning another ride!

@colly, @Littgull, @neil_merseyside, @Sea of vapours, @Domus, @Julia9054, @Spiderweb, @Slioch, @EasyPeez, @Kestevan, @Venod, @Soltydog, @NorthernDave, @Buck, @si_c, @videoman

If anybody wants their name to be added to the list, let me know. :smile:

(If anybody wants their name to be removed, let me know, but... :cry:)

NB Make sure that you have enabled tag alerts in your account preferences - HERE (tick 'mentions you in a message')

(Yes, I know some are already signed up for this ride, or can't make it, but I copy and paste the list from one ride to the next so I don't want to edit it.)

Craggies has tables outside under cover. If it isn't too cold we could sit out there and enjoy the views, but we may prefer to sit inside if conditions are unfavourable for al fresco dining. If so, we would be a significant distance from our bikes. They would probably be okay out there, but it would make sense to lock them up just in case some scumbag with a van is on the prowl, so could you bring locks with you? Hopefully, I can get somebody to lock their bike to mine because my lock is a horribly big and heavy D-lock which I definitely do NOT want to strap to my backpack! If I don't get a volunteer lock-sharer I might have to invest in a lighter lock for forum rides.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Provisional list of riders:
  • ColinJ
  • Domus
  • colly
  • GuyBoden
  • Vantage
  • Jameshow
I'll send an invite to a couple of non-forum friends to see if they fancy joining us.

More riders welcome!


I'm going to have to pass on this one, thanks for thinking of me though. I've not done much distance riding this year as a result of moving house and then some knee problems through summer :laugh: I'm just getting back on the bike properly now, but it's a bit short notice for me to try and break myself on the hills around there :laugh:

Should be good next year though :okay:


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
Hopefully, I can get somebody to lock their bike to mine because my lock is a horribly big and heavy D-lock which I definitely do NOT want to strap to my backpack! If I don't get a volunteer lock-sharer I might have to invest in a lighter lock for forum rides.
Being powered, lock weight is no issue for me so I'm dragging this thing along with me. Good for 2 or 3 bikes together.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Great - I volunteer my bike as one of those! :okay:

PS If we are short of locks then having a heavy pile of locked bikes in the way of getting to the unlocked ones would slow down any would-be bike thieves long enough for us to run out and ask them nicely not to proceed! :whistle:

I would be very surprised if bike theft is a problem up there, but better safe than sorry...
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