FPN for carrying child on bike

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So again you are simply assuming. It is of course possible that the saddle did conform to regulations but only when mounted on a seat post.

He pleaded guilty, does that not mean anything to you? You appear to be defending an offence that someone has freely admitted that they are guilty of, why?

I'm not aware of any European Standard for bicycle saddles, only one for child seats; EN14344 European Standard for Child's Seats for Bicycles. Category C15 within the standard is seats to be mounted between the handlebar and the rider and that can carry children up to 15 kg. If you can find another European standard that covers saddles generally I might revise my assumptions but absent that its difficult to see what other interpretation is possible.

The fact that such seats are specifically covered in the Standard means they are officially accepted to be safe and an acceptable modification to a bike to carry a child passenger whatever some uninformed bobby might think

As for pleading guilty it could easily be ignorance of the law (he defended himself) or pragmatism in the face of the (generally much more expensive) alternative. The system encourages admission of guilt especially if you are not well off. If you contest an FPN you go to Court and get, as here, a much higher penalty even if you plead guilty and if you plead not guilty you generally get hit by a much higher penalty still. Remember Daniel Cadden would have had to accept the guilty finding of a magistrate had the CTC not come forward to pay to contest it. That finding initially cost him £300 for failing to cycle in a cycle lane.


Evil communist dictator, lover of gerbils & Pope.
People, it's in the Daily Mail, why are we giving any credence to anything contained in the article?

To be fair though, if I was the boy's mother and he'd taken MY kid out on that contraption, I'd have thrown him over the Severn Bridge.

Or at least relegated him to the couch for a couple of weeks.
[QUOTE 1526942"]
The bloke wasn't using the saddle properly, if wasn't using don't pegs supplied with a saddle designed to fit to the top tube, and was generally fudging it and putting his son at more risk than if he'd done things properly. [/quote]

Its not clear that he was using it improperly. While his son has his feet on top of the forks in the picture there is clearly something in the right place that looks like foot pegs cropped off at the bottom of the Daily Wail photo. It could easily have been the photographer asking him to put his feet up for photographic purposes.

As for the helmet being on back to front in a study of helmet wearing in children 96% were found to be worn wrongly so he's in good company. I've seen more than my fair share of back to front helmets out on the road.

For what it's worth, even the saddles designed for a top tube are dangerous. There have been some nasty injuries where children's feet have caught in the front wheel.

Whether that is right or not, its a bit like EN certified helmets and bike lights. They may not be very good but they are nevertheless officially approved as both safe and acceptable for carrying a child passenger on a single bike. And the standards do officially cover top tube mounted child seats.

Ian 74

Active Member
When our kate was 2 I bought a seat that bolted into the same spot on the bike, it did however have a bit of a back rest and a clip round sort of seat belt with a foot rest making her secure, she was only 2 after all. We had a great time.

A spare seat secured with gaffer tape and a wobbly toddler? Recipe for disaster. The seat I bought was only about £15, if you are going to have your kids on your bike you should put your hand in your pocket and buy something suitable and something safe. F@£kin nutter.
A spare seat secured with gaffer tape and a wobbly toddler? Recipe for disaster. The seat I bought was only about £15, if you are going to have your kids on your bike you should put your hand in your pocket and buy something suitable and something safe. F@£kin nutter.

Seems to me he's no more a F@£kin nutter than you. His seat was bolted to the top tube according to the reports just like yours and was bought from Halfords. He then also duck taped it over the top for whatever reason of his own.
Thanks for that, I really enjoyed it. I also couldn't help noticing that in certain parts the female appears to be saying a lot more than is conveyed in the subtitles......:biggrin:

A couple of years ago I went to a talk by the Chairman of Tata Motors in London with a preview of the Tata Nano. He told the story that the inspiration was to provide proper safe transport for families like this of which there are very large numbers in India, Pakistan and the Far East

]View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HNngqQ64K4&feature=related[/media]

]View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8m3UihKogM&NR=1[/media]


What’s the point
When our kate was 2 I bought a seat that bolted into the same spot on the bike, it did however have a bit of a back rest and a clip round sort of seat belt with a foot rest making her secure, she was only 2 after all. We had a great time.

A spare seat secured with gaffer tape and a wobbly toddler? Recipe for disaster. The seat I bought was only about £15, if you are going to have your kids on your bike you should put your hand in your pocket and buy something suitable and something safe. F@£kin nutter.

and thats the bit EN 14344 states must be present. that would be fine. no problems. Guy wouldn't have been issued with the FPN. from the pic it looks like its a standard saddle , which would not have an EN14344 approval.

ignorance of the law is no defence, and to be fair if I tried to take my kids on anything like that seat in the original my wife would be chopping some of my bits off and mincing them .


A Velocipedian
and thats the bit EN 14344 states must be present. that would be fine. no problems. Guy wouldn't have been issued with the FPN. from the pic it looks like its a standard saddle , which would not have an EN14344 approval.

ignorance of the law is no defence, and to be fair if I tried to take my kids on anything like that seat in the original my wife would be chopping some of my bits off and mincing them .

[QUOTE 1526954"]
If if has to gaffer tape it down then it's not secure and nothing like the proper ones.

Maybe but also if its a Halfords one and like the Leco one I can quite imagine in shifting in use and duct tape might be a way of trying to fix it down. But it seems like everyone has made up their minds that it must be a reckless ordinary saddle duct taped onto the crossbar irrespective of what is said in the news reports and some seem to take exception to carrying a child on the crossbar at all, even though its a widely used place in Europe and there is a European standard for such seats. Still nothing like a good lynching is there?


A Velocipedian
Maybe but also if its a Halfords one and like the Leco one I can quite imagine in shifting in use and duct tape might be a way of trying to fix it down. But it seems like everyone has made up their minds that it must be a reckless ordinary saddle duct taped onto the crossbar irrespective of what is said in the news reports and some seem to take exception to carrying a child on the crossbar at all, even though its a widely used place in Europe and there is a European standard for such seats. Still nothing like a good lynching is there?

I was under the impression that you of all people would not make a decision until you had all the data. You have read between the lines just as others have and reached a different conclusion.
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