FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast 22nd October to Whitstable 2010

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oh go on then. I have yet to do Whitstable. You have all my details already Simon but if you need them again let me know

Clive P
oh go on then. I have yet to do Whitstable. You have all my details already Simon but if you need them again let me know

Clive P

We used to think you were square Clive.

Your round.



pre-talced and mighty
Louise L
Adrian C
Martin T
Stuart A
Matt L
Rich P
Ian A
Ed K
Davy S
Anthony McC
Chris B
Charlie B
Frank P
Rebecca T
Tim D
Susie F
Martin F
Rebecca E - a Martleteer!
Andrij B
Els V
Lee T
Luke C
Janie K
Gary H
Oscar G
Tessa H
Ross C
Rimas G
User10571 B
Andy M
Greg C
Stuart G
Jack F
Des O'D
Edmar G
Richard A
William P
Christophe P
Howard S
Marco C
David R
Ken H
Tim O
Claudine C
User S
Steev D
Nigel W
Dan B - we have one of your mates on board already...
Andy H
Chris K
Allesandra P
Titus H
Paul R
Mark G
Clive P
Thom F
Chris F
Geoffrey S
so that's 58 in just over 24 hours. Blimey!


Well-Known Member
me 2 please Simon
Andrew (Bromley)

Louise L
Adrian C
Martin T
Stuart A
Matt L
Rich P
Ian A
Ed K
Davy S
Anthony McC
Chris B
Charlie B
Frank P
Rebecca T
Tim D
Susie F
Martin F
Rebecca E - a Martleteer!
Andrij B
Els V
Lee T
Luke C
Janie K
Gary H
Oscar G
Tessa H
Ross C
Rimas G
User10571 B
Andy M
Greg C
Stuart G
Jack F
Des O'D
Edmar G
Richard A
William P
Christophe P
Howard S
Marco C
David R
Ken H
Tim O
Claudine C
User S
Steev D
Nigel W
Dan B - we have one of your mates on board already...
Andy H
Chris K
Allesandra P
Titus H
Paul R
Mark G
Clive P
Thom F
Chris F
Geoffrey S
so that's 58 in just over 24 hours. Blimey!


Minkowski Space
Blink... and there's already about 60 down for this!!! If you ever write that script TimO, could I have a shot of it? Please could you add me to the list, Simon? Thanks!


New Member
I'm thinking about it - it is quite a step up for my lil legs! But I see Tessa is on the list and she put me onto fnrttc.

I shall think on it and see how brave/stupid I am feeling :o)



Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Alas, Alack!

It looks like I would be a bit out of my depth on this ride. I have no doubts about getting there, but I would almost certainly hold people up, so I will dip.
{" I'm going outside, and may not be back for some time"}.

We had planned a half-term trip for that week-end as well, so it won't be too ghastly, but please send handkerchiefs to slowmotion Towers...Sniff...

Have fun, you lucky people. :cry:


It looks like I would be a bit out of my depth on this ride. I have no doubts about getting there, but I would almost certainly hold people up, so I will dip. {" I'm going outside, and may not be back for some time"}.

I'm thinking about it - it is quite a step up for my lil legs! But I see Tessa is on the list and she put me onto fnrttc.

I shall think on it and see how brave/stupid I am feeling :o)

None of the FNRttCs are particularly challenging in terms of the ride itself, although the sleep deprivation element probably does make it more demanding if you're not used to such a ride.

Whitstable is probably the longest of the regular rides, but doesn't have any particularly steep hills in it, my GPS track from the last one has the high point as 171 feet!

GPSies track for August 2010 FNRttC to Whitstable

It is a very nice ride, and somewhat more countryside is visible than would be on the Southend ride.

Depending on the riders, we won't hammer along. Typical overall average speed is less than 10mph, since the 68 miles of the Whitstable ride will probably be completed by 7am at the earliest and it could be much later. Admittedly this is because we'll spend an hour or so at Andy's Cafe in Rochester, and there will be other stops for comfort breaks and to regroup, so the moving average will be a bit higher, although not a lot.

So long as you're comfortable with riding the distance, which means you've probably done the odd ride lasting a few hours, then you'll probably be OK. Speed isn't as much an issue as being able to complete the ride, since whilst there are stations along most of the routes, where you can bale out, you are likely to have to wait a few hours for the trains to start running!

If you've got any doubts over your abilities, then tell us what you've done previously and people on here will probably be able to suggest whether you're likely to be able to complete the ride. Alternatively, if you don't want to discuss this in private, then I'm sure Simon will be happy to exchange the odd email with you.

FNRttCs are about encouraging people to get out and cycle more, as well as doing it in a silly manner, so I'd hate to think that people are put off too much by the thought of the distances involved. I'm sure Simon has a similar opinion (albeit he probably has to take a more conservative approach!) We've all had to start cycling these distances for the first time, and a lot of regulars on these rides never did a ride of this length, or at night, before trying a FNRttC.


Rabid cycle nut
Perfectly put Tim.

Rather unfortunately I'm not going to be able to do this run due to other commitments.

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