FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast - Bognor Regis 12th August 2011

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Here for rides.
So, it would appear that the government has been quick off the mark in denying access to electronic communication to a rabble wandering through the south east.

How was it?

Wet. Rain from the Cabin Cafe onwards. But even then it was huge ruddy fun.


It sounds like it was a bit of a damp ride, so I'm not 100% sorry that I missed it!

To aid in future planing, I am training up future weather forecasts, and here are the reasons why I didn't do the ride yesterday/today:


Zev & Kai


Dog on a bike
Well I enjoyed that. Even the rain didn't spoil my night. Shame we all got split up at the end but it did mean service of breakfast at the boat house was quicker!!

I managed to break a spoke on the way home, same one as the last two times. Welling Cycles are having a look at it and will deliver it back to my house this evening. How's that for service??

152 miles all told for me at an average of close to 15mph. Considering when I got to Felpham my average was around 11mph, I went a bit quicker on the way home.

By the way, Arnold is a rubbish lead out man. He only took the front a couple of times in 60 miles!!
Only joking Arnold!! It seems to be my unofficial job to lead home the morning ride and let's face it I'm better at that than I am at being a TEC!!!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Well I enjoyed that. Even the rain didn't spoil my night. Shame we all got split up at the end but it did mean service of breakfast at the boat house was quicker!!

I managed to break a spoke on the way home, same one as the last two times. Welling Cycles are having a look at it and will deliver it back to my house this evening. How's that for service??

152 miles all told for me at an average of close to 15mph. Considering when I got to Felpham my average was around 11mph, I went a bit quicker on the way home.

By the way, Arnold is a rubbish lead out man. He only took the front a couple of times in 60 miles!!
Only joking Arnold!! It seems to be my unofficial job to lead home the morning ride and let's face it I'm better at that than I am at being a TEC!!!

This is very true Martin.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Mista Preston. I am very disappointed in you young man. Cycling through the night in all that rain with all that climbing with all that traffic. You didn't go round the block a few times to make it to the ton? tsk tsk
Mista Preston. I am very disappointed in you young man. Cycling through the night in all that rain with all that climbing with all that traffic. You didn't go round the block a few times to make it to the ton? tsk tsk

I went round once then thought sod it I wanna cup of tea.


Über Member
Why do I always sign up for cycling back, specially with Martin?

" I went a bit quicker on the way home." We were bombing down 20+mph quite most of the time!!!!

Thanks for the tow Martin, I could never break my legs alone, just like I did with you!


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Über Member
Who was the poor guy with only one crank? He passed me a few times. Chapeau!


Home at around 14:30 having somehow managed to not turn myself into a lager Dalek in Felpham.

Breakfast at the Lobster Pot is to be commended for its quality, delivery and general can-do-ish-ness of the staff at that establishment. Very happy to eat there again.

The ride, you ask?

Wet. And warm.

But before it became wet and warm, it was an exercise of leaving London through the ‘burbs in a low profile, attention shedding kind of way.

Clapham Common South to Amen Corner in Tooting whilst encountering only two traffic light controls was unprecedented – and a total success ghosted, as we were, by unexpected but welcome forces.

The peleton, being maybe a tad smaller than usual, meant swift progress was made as we exchanged the citrus glow of sodium streetlights for the inky darkness of Surrey and West Sussex.

My understanding is that those who were first to arrive at The Cabin Café, found the place unoccupied and in darkness – testimony to the trouble free ride we’d all enjoyed on the first half of the night’s excursion.

Then, it started to rain. Some queued in it, whilst others ate ham and cheese sarnies in the dry, during which time seating in the dry remained unoccupied...... I can’t help but think that with the limits set by the numbers which can be seated in The Cabin, there’s room to improve the experience of everyone who passes through this otherwise well managed hostelry in the wee small hours.

It kind of stayed wet, and seemed reluctant to get daybreak-ish after that. But it wasn’t particularly cold – just about manageable. But wet.

At some point near Amberley, our leader (wisely) decided that the North / South Stoke option with its open field, suspension bridge and woodland path might not be the best choice following a night of rain.

So, with as much grit and resolve as we could muster, we took on the ascent of the B2139.
And won!

From there a fast and furious descent along the A29, with respite being offered only once we’d reached the calmer environs of the B2132 and the more familiar and previously ridden route through Yapton - probably not so fast and furious for the lad who managed much of the last section with only the one crank attached to his bike – Well done that man!

The wet stuff eased off as we approached the coast, and following some confusion regarding a breakfast venue, I think we all managed to eat well, and at a price point which satisfied its target audience. I can’t believe I just typed that. Clearly I am tired and it is time for me to go.

A fine night out in great company, for which I’ll thank you all.

Until the next one….


Random geezer
Yup, as always a fine night out. I think I prefer that sneaky bosky peregrination using the cycle path, it seemed to avoid the drunks in the streets but perhaps that is because the Met banged up in chokey every single Scrote in London and is still nicking them at the rate of 200 a day. The idea of dividing between two cafes would probably mean we'd be served more quickly. I went from something like 20th in the queue at the Boathouse to being first. I think the idea of getting to the Cabin, getting in and getting seated and only then ordering sarnies would be much better. And I think we had to wait just as long for the cold food as we used to do for the hot food, but maybe that is my imagination. Simon's ruse to block the main roads of Britain was a good one and we'd have been ankle-deep in mud had we walked across three fields.
All in all, a good night.
See you on the Martletts ride, I am in Team User10571. You'll recognise me - I'm the one in the homemade reflective bra.


New Member
First comment is that some of the writing on here is so descriptive, it really helps make last nights experiances so much more alive. Sadly i cant compete but after completing only my second Friday night ride ( after Brighton) i thoroughly enjoyed this one so much more despite the rain.

When we were taking the back roads towards Tooting under roads, through tunnels and past that youth club/ club i felt like we were in the film the Warriors , at any point i was expecting some alternative cycle gang brandishing bike compondents as weapons.

Unfortunately i dont know the route so i cant accurately describe the places i enjoyed but i loved the speedy descent we made in the pitch black at about 2.00am , the darkness really made me think i was whizzing along much much faster than i was ( no revelation there). Later it was great at times to be rolling through the darkness chasing the tiny red lights in front , it was great when the lights disappeared and i felt excited to be on my own in the wilderness chasing my own lights and only hearing my breaking and the click of the gears. This soon changed to slight panic after about 10 minutes when i didnt see any lights and i thought that i had gone the wrong way , eventually one of the markers came into sight and confirmed i was on the right track.

I am also discovering that i seem to enjoy the sharp ascents like the B2139 towards the end - after this the surperb breakfast at the lobster pot seemed like a good reward for a job well done.

After about 4 hours of getting soaked i managed to get sunburn on my legs on the cycle back to Brighton - i didnt think that would be possible at about 7am this morning.

Thanks to everyone for making this a really satisfying night and thanks again to Simon for his tireless organisation

Respectful motorists were the order of the 'day'!
Following User10571's concise description above, there were some bits that demanded the traffic wait politely as modest progress was made uphill etc. We were good too, and it all helped make a nice ride, despite the weather.
I have no problem riding in the rain all day... no prospect of warmth (ref: Brighton last) is a smudge on the page. Bognor once again came to our rescue with simmering sunshine, and our clothes were to dry. Brown and yellow were modestly (on this occasion) consumed and new faces were welcomed to the fold.
On this note, Jaspreet certainly made an impression. Arriving with half of his chattels strapped to his back, he relaxed by ordering breakfast and beer - with Ribena as an antidote. He was keen to get teams organised for crazy golf and to generally revel in the seaside atmosphere. I can only deduce that he is part crazy, so will fit in well...I assume he's an architect or something like. He did say that he was emigrating to the US, San Fransisco (one could tell that from his golden gait as he dodged back and forth from the bar!) Welcome to all the new riders who 'wetted' their A.P. tights and more.
Anyway, returning to London was peaceful, with only the mildest heavy lids. When I got back last night, it was good to get clean and then I made the big mistake of sitting on the bed to dry my toes properly! A few hours later and I managed a cup of tea before succumbing to further repose - brilliant!
I had a very nice time on this ride, Nothing to do at the back except admire Graham - the cycling A-Z map, who must have a GPS implanted somewhere. Andrij captained the puncture repair kit - which meant few punctures. Any thought of hangin' with some weird revolutionary, in sandals, in the pelting rain, while they were being fixed, put most people off geting one.
I, and a few select others were honoured to attend the inaugural Greg Collins Technical Lecture at one stoppage. I think it was entitled 'Giving it the Hard Shell', I forget now - he might elaborate at some point... :whistle:
Summary: Not the usual 'romantic' experience, with sunrise and castles, but different. Lovely.
And those bluestar jerseys with pink detail - perfect!
Having tragically left my camera in the company of my hipflask, on the worktop, I took only two snaps by cameraphone. The first was a defiant self-portrait, sent to those in the rival café - while we true patrons, the stalwarts, stayed loyal and nearer the beer and warmth.


- as depicted in the second.


Thanks all for your company, and to BigMart for the light and batteries, ta.


Senior Member
Morning all,
just like to say how much I enjoyed the ride to Bognor on friday night. My third FNRttC now and hopefully events will stop conspiring to limit further attendences as they have been doing recently.

The evening started off very well when as I cycled past Charing Cross on my way up from Liverpool St I bumped into Martin. We then had then pleasure of cycling right up a traffic free Mall, which was being prepared for todays pre olympic cycle ride, so we can say we crossed the line ahead of Cav! Almost worth the trip in its own right.

The ride itself was great, I liked the Route out of london as well, better probably than some of the one we have used before. The food stops seemed more manageable than before and the pace stayed at a comfortable level due I guess to fewer mechanicals. Not that I want to get soaked or frozen every time I do a ride, but I do find that the adverse weather adds to the satisfaction of getting to the finish and the feeling of acheivement that engenders. I have had an up and down couple of years training wise and it was good to know that I can still do the miles, though I am feeling a bit on the stiff side today.

So despite the embarrasment of riding into a kerb and consequently hitting the deck at one of the stops and then being unable to find the station in Bognor without going twice round the town, the night was a great success. I even managed to persuade the guard to let me get on the earlier train from that which I had booked.

So thanks to Simon and all his assistants at the front and the back for making it such a well organised ride and so enjoyable. I am going to help with marshalling on the Marlets ride in sept, so hope to see you all there once again

see you soon

grahame d
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