FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast Brighton 9th May

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
[QUOTE 3071230, member: 30090"]And so they should, and one can have a beer (or rather an Alcopop) back in London after completing their maiden ton on their new bike.:smile:[/QUOTE]
Ooooo, what new steed is that then?

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Now looking dry for the ride back.
Yay! There is a God (other deities are available) .... and the tailwind shows tha he/she/it loves me :tongue:


Minkowski Space
In a brief bout of unbridled stupidity, I did for one moment consider cleaning the bike in preparation for tonight's ride.

In a brief bout of stupidity, I did clean the bike... two days ago, before I saw the forecast...


Minkowski Space
I'm torn on this one. I really want to ride my second FNRttC and you're coming to my home town! But I have an unhappy knee that has been complaining with gradually increasing vociferousness on longer rides. I think it's a slightly torn cartilage (I've had a couple before...feels similar). Getting it cold and wet and then stop-start riding on it for 6 or 7 hours probably isn't the wisest course of action. And yet... Oh I don't know. I'll see you if I see you I guess. If I don't, have a splendid ride!

I wouldn't. As someone who ignored what seemed to be a minor knee niggle on a club run only to have it blow up into 3 months of limping, I'd advise sending Simon an apologetic email and resting it until it's better. If it is cartilage like you suspect, it'll just get worse if you don't give it a chance to heal. There'll be other Friday Night Rides, but you've only got the one set of knees.


Dog on a bike
I wouldn't. As someone who ignored what seemed to be a minor knee niggle on a club run only to have it blow up into 3 months of limping, I'd advise sending Simon an apologetic email and resting it until it's better. If it is cartilage like you suspect, it'll just get worse if you don't give it a chance to heal. There'll be other Friday Night Rides, but you've only got the one set of knees.
Strangely enough I agree with McW :hello:. Rest it. Riding 60 odd miles with stop start and in the rain isn't going to do it any favours. It's horrible missing rides you want to go on but you'd miss more than one by causing more damage.


Silencing his legs regularly
Strangely enough I agree with McW :hello:. Rest it. Riding 60 odd miles with stop start and in the rain isn't going to do it any favours. It's horrible missing rides you want to go on but you'd miss more than one by causing more damage.

I'm with those two. It's best to rest it.


I've had a busy afternoon of preparation and training.
Utilising mostly, but not exclusively, the Veuve technique.
Which I believe to be wholly effective.
I have, in the last few minutes, reviewed the weather forecast information.

It's looking a bit hypothermia-central.
Isn't it?

I am buoying up my enthusiasm, basing it on the hope that in the style of Michael Fish, they've got it totally wrong.

EDIT - perhaps my reference to a buoy was less than ideal......
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