Give me some dialogue from your day

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Sort of in reply to the laptop purchase post I recall buying something in Richer sounds a couple of years back and the chap started to talk about an extended warranty and I may have accidentally snorted out lound despite intending to politely decline. Fair play to him he he just said "I don't blame you mate" and generally they only do a token effort in selling warranties. He also help me carry the TV back to my flat a couple of hundred yards up the road. Good service I thought

My answer is always....

It is covered by my credit card and for 5 years or so under consumer legislation... Why do I need anything else?f


Legendary Member
My answer is always....

It is covered by my credit card and for 5 years or so under consumer legislation... Why do I need anything else?f

A friend of mine bought a toaster.
"would you like an extended warranty?"
"umm, it's a toaster"
"but it could still go wrong"
"it's a toaster, it's twelve quid, i'll buy a different one if it fails"


Legendary Member
My wife has just booked the extra space seats on our flight later this year and we have selected emergency exit seats.
As we're looking at the conditions, I'm reading them out....
'Must not have mental impairment etc'.....I looked at my wife and raised an eyebrow :huh:
'Must not be aged etc etc'... 'It's not going well for you is it :laugh::laugh:'
Then it raised the issue of height....'Blimey, you've got no chance have you ?' :thumbsup:

She WILL get her own back at some stage...that look told me so :angry:


Never used Über Member
My wife has just booked the extra space seats on our flight later this year and we have selected emergency exit seats.
As we're looking at the conditions, I'm reading them out....
'Must not have mental impairment etc'.....I looked at my wife and raised an eyebrow :huh:
'Must not be aged etc etc'... 'It's not going well for you is it :laugh::laugh:'
Then it raised the issue of height....'Blimey, you've got no chance have you ?' :thumbsup:

She WILL get her own back at some stage...that look told me so :angry:

You know that you will pay for it one way or another but it still has to be done. :laugh:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
A friend of mine bought a toaster.
"would you like an extended warranty?"
"umm, it's a toaster"
"but it could still go wrong"
"it's a toaster, it's twelve quid, i'll buy a different one if it fails"
I once bought a toaster for £12. Some time later the element went so I took the toaster down to the local electrical shop. They told me to chuck it away and buy a new one because a replacement element would cost £8 and by the time I paid them to fit it, the total would be more than a new toaster. I said that I didn't like the idea of chucking away things that could be fixed so I ordered a new element and fitted it myself. :okay:


Legendary Member
Me to my wife....
'Didnt you see it coming ?'
'No, I got up and couldn't understand why my eye was streaming '
'Did you even know he was going to hit you ?'
'No....apparently he drop kicked me in the head, my feet went from under me and I fell backwards smacking my head and coccyx'

And she'll go back to work with a smile on her face and no malice whatsoever.

The 'offending' child is probably a teenager with severe learning difficulties and autism. Today was unusual tbf, he's unpredictable but that took them by surprise.
Casualty, sore coccyx, light bruising to her face, leg and arm....
Never ceases to amaze me, she LOVES that job.


Legendary Member
Us five engineers are sat at the breakfast table, banter is the order every day.
One of my younger, wilder, always chasing the nightlife colleagues...
'I was in bed early last night, i read a book' :unsure:
This, for him is somewhat out of character. No-one ventured a response so I chucked in....
'Beano was it ?'

Guffaws erupted round the table :rofl:


Legendary Member
Me: Can you please tell me the last time you updated the waiting list lookup task (which you are supposed to be doing every Monday)

Employee: About 3 weeks ago probably.

Me: Why is that the case

Employee: Well it's such a chore to update it.

Me: I have just spent 2 hours working out why I am missing records from a data migration process and you are telling me it's a chore.

Employee: Huffs and sighs. Well is not a priority.

Me: MAKE it a priority NOW.

I wanted to ask her if she would like the "chore" of being taken up in front of HR on a performance notice, but I will suffice with a formal chat with her and a record put on her file tomorrow.


Dreaming of Celeste
West Sussex
Me: Can you please tell me the last time you updated the waiting list lookup task (which you are supposed to be doing every Monday)

Employee: About 3 weeks ago probably.

Me: Why is that the case

Employee: Well it's such a chore to update it.

Me: I have just spent 2 hours working out why I am missing records from a data migration process and you are telling me it's a chore.

Employee: Huffs and sighs. Well is not a priority.

Me: MAKE it a priority NOW.

I wanted to ask her if she would like the "chore" of being taken up in front of HR on a performance notice, but I will suffice with a formal chat with her and a record put on her file tomorrow.

There's nothing like a good motivational style. And that's nothing like a good . . etc, etc.


Legendary Member
There's nothing like a good motivational style. And that's nothing like a good . . etc, etc.
People have to show some desire to get motivational style off me, which this particular employee has never done. Huffs, sighs and generally feeling hard done by is par for the course. When I'm working my balls off doing 40 hours overtime a month to get a massive project in place on time, I expect my staff to at least show a bit of effort in helping.
A work colleague today.
"Jeez its bloody cold today int it ?"
"Yep I think it's to be a bit of snow up my way."
Well it's cold enough,the wife looked blue this morning "
"Blue !!! ? ,did you check her farkin' pulse "
Look of confusion
While tinkering with a machine in a computer suite, two 4th year boys (15/16yrs) at the far end of the room were having a conversation with each other, both wearing head phones.

As is the norm, when listening to music through heads phones one tends to raise one's voice so to here oneself speak

Unaware of this phenomenon the two lads conduct their conversation based around the usual stuff, football, music, etc.

Then out of the blue, the conversation turned to what is on most lads brains, and in a far greater volume than normal, one of the lads asked, "ar yi gonni sh#g hur?".

I walked up to them and enquired, "wither he was that dim" in relation to not realising the whole room just heard his indepth questioning into his pals sexual habits.

"Whit dis that mean?", he replies with a puzzled expression.

Answers my question does it not.


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
In the car with the girls. One Vision comes on. Soon enough:
Me: Guitar solo coming up!
I glance back to see Drama Queen air guitaring away.
Mad Scientist: It's hardly a guitar solo. There's two of them.

Too damn smart for her own good, that one...


Mrs pplpilot - So what are we going to do nice for valentines day?
Me - The same as we have done for the last 15 years, nothing, load of nonsense...
Mrs pplpilot - thought we could break with tradition and do something...
Me - oh ok then if you insist, we can bump uglies!
Mrs pplpilot - how about you stick with tradition and bump your own ugly...
Me - :eek:
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