Glass spreading b&*#@rds

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Proud Daddy
Rode through an underpass today on the way to a cycle trail that Id seen signposted but not had the chance to ride along yet... got to the end and WHOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH sliced open the back tyre on some glass.

I got off and had a look around and jeezzzzbus, the ENTIRE underpass was covered in small peices of green glass. Looks like the local hooligans had had a good night out, up on the banks on the way out of the tunnel were loads of broken beer bottles.

So annoying!!

I got off the beaten track and repaired the 2 punctures that Id got, then managed to rip the tube at the valve when using my totally useless mini-pump. Phone call to the GF and she came out and rescued me (bought her KFC as a callout charge!).

I know that no matter what rubber I was running it wouldnt have made any difference, but as I needed a tube I went to the LBS and bought some new tyres. The bike had the stock specialized borough XC (45) on them and Ive never liked them. They feel like theyre made of paper. Went for some Panaracer crosstown (35) as they much better suit the riding Im doing, so we'll see how they shape up. They have a puncture belt in them and seem pretty substantial.

Whats annoyed me the most is the shear vanadalism of the (probably) lads that thought it was great to spread broken glass all through a cycletrack tunnel... not only is it obviously terrible for us, but what about all the dog walkers? :gun:


Waiting for the great leap forward
The middle bit
I don't think it's done as deliberately ant-cyclist, just brainless people after too much Stella. Stourbridge underpass is always covered in glass, no doubt from the 2 Wetherspoons on the high street.
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