Good Storm Yesterday

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Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
We had a right old thunder storm yesterday. Here is my account written in the middle of it which I emailed to a friend (BTW I'm not claiming for a fraction of a second that this is a good piece of prose):

The thunderstorm which has been threatening all afternoon has just struck. First there was a great, brooding, dark stillness with a few elegant circles formed by big raindrops hitting the river. Two teenage girls pedalled furiously to get home before it struck and two holidaymakers pedalled off into the direction of it. A woman in the house next door whom I’ve never seen before was putting her cushions away and I nodded to her but she blanked me completely.

Then the wind came in and what a wind. Some birds - jays and pigeons - took the air to ride it: perhaps the safest place for them? There were even white topped waves on the river, something I’ve never imagined, let alone seen. One of the woman’s cushions was blown off her balcony to the ground below and to little sympathy from me.

All this was followed by a couple of short power cuts and the sound of police sirens, no doubt attending the obligatory traffic accidents. And now it is like a November day as the rain lashes and the skies are gloomy. It’s quite a spectacle if you are indoors like me. It must be quite a trial if you are a pedestrian or an ill mannered woman chasing her cushions.

The whole thing lasted about half an hour from start to finish and Saturday has begun with steady but gentle summer rain. So that's sanding and painting the window frames put off for another weekend then.:eek:


New Member
Had thunder & lightning at Chez Wafflycat. The hens were most unhappy. They did their best running around like, well not headless chickens obviously, but a weird mixture of Cissie & Ada, combined with Derek & Mavis with a good-sized pinch of Lance Corporal Jones doing his best, "Don't panic Mister Mainwaring, don't panic!" Still, they survived and once the storm was over easily calmed with a dish of warm sweetcorn to eat. They hoovered that down in seconds.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Sitting indoors hearing the wind and the thunder, seeing the flashes of lightning and the rain hitting the windows is an experience that I enjoy. This thread has reminded me of it so thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Legendary Member
I was given this forecast on my recent tour of Germany, "warm in the morning, and in the afternoon rain with boomboom". It didn't seem quite so threatening expressed in these terms.:tongue:
Andy in Sig

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
snorri said:
I was given this forecast on my recent tour of Germany, "warm in the morning, and in the afternoon rain with boomboom". It didn't seem quite so threatening expressed in these terms.:tongue:

You weren't given that forecast by an oriental lady of the night were you? If so you may wish to reassess.


Moray Firth
Its been pissing down here on the Moray for about 36 hours Andy.

The forecast a couple of days ago suggested rain in the southwest of Scotland, which might interrupt the 'Scottish Open', but clearer up here. It appears they got it exactly reversed, and i've been watching some of the golf. Nae thunder that i've heard though. nae bike riding either.

Where have all the summers gone, long time passing?


Legendary Member
Andy in Sig said:
You weren't given that forecast by an oriental lady of the night were you? If so you may wish to reassess.

The lady was not oriental and she gave the forecast in broad daylight, but now you have got me thinking I have missed an opportunity.:biggrin:
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