had to laugh at these american body builders

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Legendary Member
If having a waist 20" smaller than my chest is fat then I guess I'm guilty.

Strange lot. When I lived there briefly I worked as a driver/bodyguard to a midwifery practice that served Philadelphia. Any country that needs to send midwives out with minders is definitely broken.

Tin Pot

It's even funnier if you imagine it as a conversation at the gym while they're working out, rather than a forum chat.

Has anyone suggested they wear helmets on their feet in case of accidents whilst lifting?


Random Resident
Two muscle heads shouting AAAhhhhhhh at each other ,,, made me smile all 7 days ,, or is that 8 days ,,,, i wonder if i smiles every other day how many times in a week that would be , maybe i should ask them.


What’s the point
Interesting insight into some people's browsing habits though?
It is a viral that I have seen across several forums I frequent that are not related . I don't think BOAB went looking for that. I first knew about it in late November, thought about posting it but decided against it.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Well it goes to show what to many steroids do to you :smile:
They don't do too many steroids, that's just a lazy cliche.

They take them as it says on the box, "1 every other day," so that's like 8 a week....right.


Legendary Member
Shouting loudly and grunting in order to frighten the weaklings in the gym (we call them "normies") is one of life's pleasures. Did 3 reps deadlift at 360kg the other day and grunted most impressively.


Hong Kong
Shouting loudly and grunting in order to frighten the weaklings in the gym (we call them "normies") is one of life's pleasures. Did 3 reps deadlift at 360kg the other day and grunted most impressively.

I'm not near 360kg deadlift but my deadlift went up to 150kgs two days ago, 4 sets of 5. My grunting was quite musical I would say. :laugh:

Don't know if the cityboys that populate the gym at lunchtime agree but they did give me a wide berth while I was training.^_^


Legendary Member
My favourite time is when the boys from firearms come in trying to show off in their muscle vests. Bunch of small, weakling primadonnas... except for one lad who is 6'10" and North of 300lbs, who is a lovely chap and wouldn't dream of hurting me... please!


Hong Kong
There are some good training tips to be had on the Bodybuilding forum but you have to, sadly, wade through a lot of very stupid comments posted by people who really shouldn't be allowed out without a carer.
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