Heart Problems

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Well-Known Member
Have you only just discovered the internet or something?

You linked to a site that is called 'drug injury watch', that is mainly sponsored by an [American] law company called 'druginjurylaw.com', and it doesn't occur to you that maybe they might have some small motive in this? Then you take that as sufficient source to override the opinions of every medical person that you've come across.

And then just to prove categorically that you are right you underline all the important words. And then you call me an idiot again?
Bill Gates

Bill Gates

West Sussex
nigelnorris said:
Have you only just discovered the internet or something?

You linked to a site that is called 'drug injury watch', that is mainly sponsored by an [American] law company called 'druginjurylaw.com', and it doesn't occur to you that maybe they might have some small motive in this? Then you take that as sufficient source to override the opinions of every medical person that you've come across.

And then just to prove categorically that you are right you underline all the important words. And then you call me an idiot again?

That particular link just repeats the wording of the original bulletin. So just for non believing you here is the original bulletin:


Maybe rhyming with merchant banker is more appropriate for you eh?


New Member
To be fair to Bill, in his original post, he asked others to share their experiences following a heart attack.
He did not ask for others to tell him how to live his life.

He asked for people's accounts of how they are coping after a heart attack.
He did not ask for opinions.

Early on in the thread I offered a suggestion concerning a University Sports Science Dept. It was a 'suggestion' because I said "You could".
Its not as silly as it sounds. Birmingham Uni' regularly seek athletes with coronary and respiratory problems to help in their research.
One chap I know got far better advice than his GP ever gave.


Well-Known Member
Bill Gates said:
A bit difficult when someone takes a pop at you.;)

I don't know what you're grinning about you silly old sod. Killing yourself to prove that you can google better than all the worlds doctors.

Round my way they put stuff like netnanny on the computers to keep people like you safe from themselves. Don't you have some grandkids somewhere who can explain how it works?

Jonathan M

New Member
nigelnorris said:
Idiot is quite a strong word coming from someone who gets his medical advice from the internet.

I'd have thought Bill wasn't asking for medical advice here, but more advice on cycling with a heart condition. Big difference.
Bill Gates

Bill Gates

West Sussex
nigelnorris said:
I don't know what you're grinning about you silly old sod. Killing yourself to prove that you can google better than all the worlds doctors.

Round my way they put stuff like netnanny on the computers to keep people like you safe from themselves. Don't you have some grandkids somewhere who can explain how it works?

Move on Nigel.

I apologise


Well-Known Member
Jonathan M said:
I'd have thought Bill wasn't asking for medical advice here, but more advice on cycling with a heart condition. Big difference.
I wasn't talking about the OP but something he said later, that he:

"...googled side effects of statins and found that they were poisoning my system"


Well-Known Member
Bill Gates said:
Move on Nigel.

I apologise
To hell with your apology, if you call me a self-gratification artist I'll respond accordingly.

You should learn not to treat the internet as an opportunity to behave in ways that you would probably be ashamed of in real life.
Bill Gates

Bill Gates

West Sussex
Crackle said:
Can't help you with the heart problems but I did see a very good book in the library, aimed at the serious cyclist over 50. Packed full of info about aerobic capacity and recovery rates. Very dry reading but the author is well regarded.


It might be of use and if it was in my library it might be in yours.

Thanks for that. My wife belongs to the local library and I'll ask her to look it up when she next goes.
Bill Gates

Bill Gates

West Sussex
woohoo said:
Before both the bypass and the angioplasty I had started to get mild angina when giving it some stick (relatively!) in the gym and on my bike but I've never had a heart attack. In both cases, I could avoid the angina by backing off by about 5% and after being referred by my GP, on both occasions, an angiogram showed that the heart was getting a reduced blood supply.

I would now use that 5% "target" (if it were consistent) as a future trigger to ask if another angiogram to check out the arteries is required. I reckon if I were to ignore this then a heart attack would be probable.

That all makes good sense. In the week prior to my second Heart attack I went out and did some hard intervals on the road and suffered what I thought was probably angina, but could have been indigestion, for the first time. Backed off and the pain went.

So to eliminate the indigestion option I rode hard again and the pain did come back. Before I had a chance to get it checked out I was hit with the 2nd heart attack just after sitting down from making my "Father of the Bride" speech to over 100 sit down guests 3 days later.
Bill Gates

Bill Gates

West Sussex
jimboalee said:
To be fair to Bill, in his original post, he asked others to share their experiences following a heart attack.
He did not ask for others to tell him how to live his life.

He asked for people's accounts of how they are coping after a heart attack.
He did not ask for opinions.

Early on in the thread I offered a suggestion concerning a University Sports Science Dept. It was a 'suggestion' because I said "You could".
Its not as silly as it sounds. Birmingham Uni' regularly seek athletes with coronary and respiratory problems to help in their research.
One chap I know got far better advice than his GP ever gave.

I've thought about that, but backed off from doing it because it is quite likely they would not allow me to push myself to the limit to cover their backsides. Might be worth a phone call though.


New Member
Bill Gates said:
I've thought about that, but backed off from doing it because it is quite likely they would not allow me to push myself to the limit to cover their backsides. Might be worth a phone call though.

If that was the case, they'd be depriving themselves of recording a 'real time' myocardial infarction on the ergonometer. :thumbsup:

You'd go down in Acedemic history,,,, :evil:

Jonathan M

New Member
nigelnorris said:
I wasn't talking about the OP but something he said later, that he:

"...googled side effects of statins and found that they were poisoning my system"

Yep, and I've googled the side effects of my medicines and discovered that I shouldn't be taking two of them at the same time. Assuming that a person has some knowledge the information available via the internet is useful, changing the timing of my meds meant I reduced some of the side effects I had been experiencing.

Equally those websites that claim to be able to "cure all" are best missed, but through my work I've come across people who truly believe that their long term condition could be cured but isn't, because "they" (the secret underground governments) make too much money from pharma companies.

As for side effects of statins, they are not the nicest medicine available, and particularly the muscle pain that can arise is a significant reason why a lot of people need to chain their lipid lowering drugs.

Bills wording might not be the best, but let's assume that he is generally a well balanced, moderately intelligent person, and can make informed decisions, one of which is asking for cycling advice on a cycling forum :evil:
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