Hello from North Staffs

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Über Member
Welcome to the website:smile:
Hi - there's a nice little circuit heading into Cheshire on the back roads via Barthomley and then back through Madeley.

Beats all them hills!
Hi should you ever want a ride, give me a PM. I grew up in various parts of north staffs (Leek, Endon, Weston Coyney, Basford, Hartshill, Newcastle, Westlands.... and still have family there including Alsager, Westlands & Madeley Heath and find myself at least once a week in Alsager on my Triban 3... be nice to pick up some of the really nice Oatcakes from a certain shop at the bottom of Keele Bank...:whistle:


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Hi should you ever want a ride, give me a PM. I grew up in various parts of north staffs (Leek, Endon, Weston Coyney, Basford, Hartshill, Newcastle, Westlands.... and still have family there including Alsager, Westlands & Madeley Heath and find myself at least once a week in Alsager on my Triban 3... be nice to pick up some of the really nice Oatcakes from a certain shop at the bottom of Keele Bank...:whistle:


yea be great, are there any particular days when your in Alsager ?

I'm in kidsgrove. Went to Sandbach today for a cuppa with a vintage cyclist from the kidsgrove wheelers, all vey pleasant until we came back into wind, and damn cold !


yea be great, are there any particular days when your in Alsager ?

I'm in kidsgrove. Went to Sandbach today for a cuppa with a vintage cyclist from the kidsgrove wheelers, all vey pleasant until we came back into wind, and damn cold !


I'm in Scotland at the moment on holiday for this week and next. often over in Alsager on Tuesday's visiting my mother & step father. Am over the first Tuesday/Wednesday I am back from hols - first week of April, but term time I can usually do any day expect Thursday when I have Spanish lessons in Winsford... Otherwise I am pretty flexible with me not having a job at the moment, so just yell (or I will when I am home - around the Delamere Forest area, so not too far at all.


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
I'm in Scotland at the moment on holiday for this week and next. often over in Alsager on Tuesday's visiting my mother & step father. Am over the first Tuesday/Wednesday I am back from hols - first week of April, but term time I can usually do any day expect Thursday when I have Spanish lessons in Winsford... Otherwise I am pretty flexible with me not having a job at the moment, so just yell (or I will when I am home - around the Delamere Forest area, so not too far at all.
You should enjoy the snow then !

I'm back n work Sunday, I work 6 days away, then back for 5 days! Do you have a run you use around Alsager way. I've not done many miles so try to build the legs up and tend to go from Kidsgrove to Congleton on the A34
You should enjoy the snow then !

I'm back n work Sunday, I work 6 days away, then back for 5 days! Do you have a run you use around Alsager way. I've not done many miles so try to build the legs up and tend to go from Kidsgrove to Congleton on the A34
I usually come in either from Hassel Green, Wheelock, Crewe or Sandbach... Its a 42 miles round trip from my home to my parent's house and I have no issues extending it. I can now manage around 50 miles a day without too many issues (am recovering from a nasty leg injury 13 months ago) The Holmes Chapel-Sandbach road is worth avoiding at the moment in that direction, just too many holes in it, but the other direction is not as bad. There are plenty of small minor roads around your area that are good for building up leg muscles and I have a couple of 'runs' that go over towards Macclesfield and Congleton area plus one that takes me up & over Alsager's Bank twice!


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
I'm still the owner of Sparrow legs at the moment so it will have to be a steady pace...

weather permitting, I was planning on extending the route to come back down the A50 instead via Acton
I'm still the owner of Sparrow legs at the moment so it will have to be a steady pace...

weather permitting, I was planning on extending the route to come back down the A50 instead via Acton
you won't need to worry. I am not a sprinter at all. I am more a same speed now matter what distance person (my average for 10km is the same as 50km is the same as 100km). I hold about 13mph (or 20kph) on the triban 3 and am too slow for even the slow paced group in the local cycling club, and have no issues in riding slower if needed.
I have avoided the A50 & A34 to be honest - though in parts the A50 is plenty wide enough for cyclists not to be too much of a hazard, it is just I find them unpleasant (this being from someone who has cycled motorways & autobahns in eastern Europe on tour - not permitted but sometimes it is the only option to leave a country legally!). There are plenty of back roads around those areas that are great for cycling on and much nicer. I do have one or two main roads I cycle (such as my side of the A54 & my side of the A556 where it is a quiet dual carriageway) but Cheshire & Staffordshire have such a good network of minor back roads. Since I have purchased a Garmin Edge 200, I can plot to route avoiding the main roads and know I navigate it without having to stop and check a map and at £89.99 that alone has been worth it.
How is north staffs today? the highlands of Scotland are a touch 'bleak' but the snow is not sticking - the wind is not letting it. Not entirely certain there will be any cycling done today at all because whilst I may be able to get out down the loch, I am not sure I would be able to cycle back up it. the wind is that bad you can hardly stand up!


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
It's windy, cold, and snowy, but the snow has stopped ! Schools are closed, the felt has been stripped from my shed...but hey, it's spring.....summer is just around the cornerr ..haha, just a very long orner !

Did you say your on "holiday" in Scotland ? ?

As for the back route around home, if we meet up I'll let you plot a route !
It's windy, cold, and snowy, but the snow has stopped ! Schools are closed, the felt has been stripped from my shed...but hey, it's spring.....summer is just around the cornerr ..haha, just a very long orner !

Did you say your on "holiday" in Scotland ? ?

As for the back route around home, if we meet up I'll let you plot a route !

Yep - I'm on holiday in Scotland - we do have a holiday home though (normally we would be camping).
Up in the Highlands/Perthshire border area on Loch Rannoch. Tis a tad windy here today, too windy to let the snow stick. Currently considering options for getting a better 'strava' segment average in one direction of the loch. The problem currently is working out how to get back to the holiday home afterwards.

Day 1 - http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/your-ride-today.8938/post-2365699
Day 2- http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/your-ride-today.8938/post-2367219
Day 3 - http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/your-ride-today.8938/post-2369247
Day 5 -http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/your-ride-today.8938/post-2372455

We have both our mountain bikes and our Triban 3's with us, but so far my cracked rib has been too sore to ride the T3, so I have opted for the softer ride of the mountain bikes on tarmac to keep cycling. (I had a slight disagreement 12 days ago with gravity, smashed my cycle helmet into 4 pieces, cracked a rib, left myself with a black forehead, black eye, sprained tight thumb, and bruises everywhere...:whistle: )


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
my god it looks cold up there ! Coldest I've ever felt was in Malmo Airport on the apron around -10 deg c , howling wind right in off the sea....so so cold. Could barely face been outside for more Han 2 or 3 mins at a time

At least the midges won't be out up Scotland haha

Still damn windy here, she'd felt gone and fence now down too !
We have baled on cycling today after we had to go and recover our Triban 3's which were being blown around like a leaf. They have now had to be brought indoors simply to ensure they don't blow away! Just occasionally, and only very occasionally mind you, common sense kicks in...:biggrin:
The local weather station has the wind chill factor at -23C at the moment with gusts up to 95mph (that's imperial!) and sustained 69mph tis due to drop later this afternoon thankfully, but going to get rather bad again overnight. Tomorrow is forecast to be equally as bad. :sad:

My OH & I were cycling in Turkey in Feb 2012 in -15C, so temperature wise we are not normally bothered by cold, but the wind is another matter. We have cycled in Norway in August 2011 when we could not actually keep the bikes on a very remote road which was 2 lanes wide. It was a case of sod which side of the road we had to cycle on, just try to stay on the tarmac and for a couple of hours we had to push the bikes until we found shelter. We were almost as far north on Mainland Norway as you can get - well up inside the permanent tundra/permafrost area and there was simply no shelter.

My mother knows some very good (& cheap) workmen who specialise in fences at sensible prices if you are interested - send me a private message if you want their details and I will contact her and see if I can get them and if you want to see their handiwork first, I can tell you where to go to see their old house which they had done before they moved home in Alsager.
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