Help me improve.

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I've decided that my Triban 3 stays for a good while yet..I don't believe that upgrading to a couple of thousand road bike will make me a better rider; what will make me a better rider is improving the thing that's propelling the bike- ME.

How do I go about getting from where I am now to the next level?

  • Currently I ride a 40-50 miles on a Thursday, and 30-60 miles over the course of the weekend (Average week).
  • Ride at 15-19mph average depending on amount of ascent and how I feel.
  • Good general fitness, very low body fat <6% and light <10stone
I don't do any other specific training exercises; I just go out and ride my bike, eat well and try to stay light. I am improving but I think that improvement can be optimized.

Looking for some tips on what I can do to optimize improvement; specific training, get out and train on hills, ride when tired? Anything that helped you, pass it on please!


As long as I breathe, I attack.
If your getting serious look for a local cycling club , the depth of free knowledge and riding buddies is one of the best things about if its a good club.

Get In The Van

Senior Member
West Lothian
As above, a local club will help you improve with all of the points you've raised, you'll find new buddies and folk who'll pass on some very good tips for cycling in general.
Don't beat yourself up though over what may seem a slow process of improvement, it'll come good in the end!


In reply to all above..

I have considered joining a club; however, there are a few things stopping me:

Being a student my work load is very varied; sometimes I have to work over a weekend and ride in the week and vice versa so I might only be able to make 1 in 2 weekend rides. Secondly, I don't drive so getting to the club rides is almost impossible- nearest club is 25 minutes drive away and due to how rural it is around here none of the riders live close to me.


Get In The Van

Senior Member
West Lothian
Distance shouldn't put you off re. club runs. guys in my club stay all over the place and pick up the run when its close to them rather than cycle over to the start (some of them do cycle x amount of miles to the start) you'll also possibly find that some of the members are actually close you and you can hook up during the week, i work most weekends, but again will possibly get out later on during a Sat or Sun, esp during the lighter days coming up. other folk in the club are the same and folk arrange later runs.
Clubs are the key here if you want to improve your cycling, plus a ride buddy makes the miles roll in a lot quicker! ^_^


Legendary Member
Build some intensity into your runs - it's the best way to improve your basic speed. Do some hard efforts, warming up before the efforts and warming down again before the end of the ride. If you can do this on one ride per week, even if you are only out for an hour, you should see an improvement.


Build some intensity into your runs - it's the best way to improve your basic speed. Do some hard efforts, warming up before the efforts and warming down again before the end of the ride. If you can do this on one ride per week, even if you are only out for an hour, you should see an improvement.

Would a time-trial a week have the same effect?



Glad to hear you're keeping the Triban 3. :bravo: Look us up on the T3 forum. :thumbsup:

Can't give much in the way of improvement advice. What I would suggest however! If you have a decent lengthed loop that you use, keep records via Strava, MMR etc or just time yourself. Obvious indications of improvement would be faster times. Dunno if it's worthwhile considering?


Glad to hear you're keeping the Triban 3. :bravo: Look us up on the T3 forum. :thumbsup:

Can't give much in the way of improvement advice. What I would suggest however! If you have a decent lengthed loop that you use, keep records via Strava, MMR etc or just time yourself. Obvious indications of improvement would be faster times. Dunno if it's worthwhile considering?

Yea- like a sort of time trial; this could work, a once a week timed blast.

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