'Hero' cyclists in local news

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A group of around 20 cyclists who stepped in to save a man’s life when he collapsed in Cobham have been thanked by South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb).

Dittons Velo members were on a ride from Thames Ditton but as they passed along Portsmouth Road at around 10am on Saturday (March 12) a pedestrian collapsed in front of them.

Along with three members of Ful-On Tri from Fulham, the cyclists stopped to give the man first aid treatment.

They directed traffic around him, call emergency services and get blankets and pillows from nearby residents.

Stephen Heath, from Thames Ditton, said: “Long story short, we may have saved his life.

“We performed CPR. He was all grey and purple at one point.

“We sorted him out. He came back to consciousness.”



Legendary Member
Well done those cyclist.

When I was a lorry driver I pulled people out burning cars on two occasions but never got mentioned in the papers.

Can I be a hero in retrospect? :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
My brother was pulled out of his crashed car by a lorry driver many years ago, it wasnt burning but you can share the thanks!
Unless there is some other danger, ie, floodwaters rising, car on fire etc, or an immediate need to perform CPR, I would ask any lorry drivers to please leave me in the car until Trumpton or Holby arrive please. The potential for spending ones life enjoying meals through a straw is far too high for lorry drivers to going pulling people out of cars Willy nilly.
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Just in case anyone is using this article as a first aid training manual I'll just point out that shoving instruments into peoples cakeholes to remove obstructions is not recommended as you'll often find that you'll shove the obstruction further in and make the blockage worse.

But overall - well done that team!
Or was he white and gold?
Defo white and gold :okay:


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
On a forum ride a couple of years ago a group of us stopped to help a collapsed/unconscious guy. Fortunately one of us was professionally trained and able to perform the appropriate action and brief the paramedics when the ambulance arrived.

Tin Pot

Helping a collapsed stranger != Stepping into ambush killing areas, storming insurgent firing positions and exposing yourself to draw fire away from your comrades

It's not heroic, but it is a jolly good thing to do!


Legendary Member
Helping a collapsed stranger != Stepping into ambush killing areas, storming insurgent firing positions and exposing yourself to draw fire away from your comrades

It's not heroic, but it is a jolly good thing to do!

Its just what you do. Its only afterwards that you realise how bloody stupid you were. :0)
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