Hi from Dorset

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Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Hi from me...
Thats a loverly trip you have planned and it will be a big feather in your cap.. :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
North Dorset
Hi and :welcome:
You certainly seem to have got yourself nicely organised.
Perhaps you could find a longer route to work and back.:bicycle:
I wish you well with your plans. Sounds exiting.

Hi Biker Joe, I could easily find a longer route to work and back, but the problem is that I start work at 7.30 am and don't usually finish until 7 - 7.30 pm so it's already a really long day and am almost cycling in the dark both to and from work. Needless to say I don't have a lot of energy left at the end of the day either so even the small hill that I have to climb seems to go on for ever. Oh well, I have got to earn the pennies somehow to finance this expensive hobby. :tired:


Well-Known Member
North Dorset
Hi Jackie,
I only joined the forum myself yesterday. Well done on the miles so far. It sounds like you are well on your way to reaching your target.
Maybe we will pass on the road some time (i am in Dorchester).
Good luck.

Hi 15212. I was down in Dorchester a couple of weeks ago (in the car though) on a course. Welcome to the forum, it looks like there are lots of newbies like us join each day.


Well-Known Member
North Dorset
Hello :hello: :welcome: to the forum good luck with your goal for next year I too have a goal for next year but it's much smaller than yours :smile: I'm hoping to do the London to Brighton ^_^

London to Brighton sounds great. I am beginning to wonder if I have gone for too big a target for my first big trip.


Well-Known Member
North Dorset
Hi Jackie and :welcome:.

Good luck with your training. Do keep us posted and if you need advice there are loads of helpful people on here to ask.:thumbsup:

Thanks for the welcome post Phil. I will probably be asking lots of questions once I get my head around it all. I will need to look up some of the basic bike maintenance that's for sure. I can fix a puncture, replace brake pads and oil the chain but most of the other stuff is all new to me.

By the way I used to live up in your area in my teens (many, many years ago). Often used to catch a bus into Shrewsbury. I lived in Bishops Castle for a while and then Newcastle on Clun.


Well-Known Member
North Dorset
Hello Jackie :hello:

Hi Paul, I didn't expect to receive quite so many welcome posts. It's great.


Well-Known Member
North Dorset
Wow Jackie thats a fantastic adventure you have planned. Keep us informed of your training and trip progress when you get it underway. I wish i could do something like this but at this moment in my life it would be unpractical. All the best with it . And before i forget :welcome: Mike.

I am lucky that I have 2 older children that I can leave at home and I work in a school, so I get some of the summer holidays (though not all I'm afraid) which means that I can travel the country at a more leisurely pace than most. There is no way I could clock up 100 miles a day that many people have to do to finish the trip in 10 days or so.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Thanks for the welcome post Phil. I will probably be asking lots of questions once I get my head around it all. I will need to look up some of the basic bike maintenance that's for sure. I can fix a puncture, replace brake pads and oil the chain but most of the other stuff is all new to me.

By the way I used to live up in your area in my teens (many, many years ago). Often used to catch a bus into Shrewsbury. I lived in Bishops Castle for a while and then Newcastle on Clun.
Like they say; it's a small world.:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
North Dorset
I have promised myself that if I manage the London to Brighton ok I'll go for a 100 miler:eek:

Always the 'biggie' to go for isn't it the 100 miles. I can't imagine what that would be like at the moment. I find with most rides that the first 20 miles is fine, then from around 25 to 35 things become a little difficult where every hill no matter what size reduces the legs to wobbling wrecks. Then the final 5 miles at least you know you are nearly there and can sometimes find second wind.

Today I finished 30 miles instead of my usual 40 or so, but I included 3 biggish hills this time rather than try and go round them. (I am rubbish at hills and certainly need the practice at them) I was very pleased and something must be happening to the muscles in my legs as I managed to get up all 3 of them only stopping for a rest and drink 3/4 of the way up the first hill. Covered the 30 miles with an average speed of 12.4mph.
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