Hi from Dorset

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Ramsgate, Kent
Always the 'biggie' to go for isn't it the 100 miles. I can't imagine what that would be like at the moment. I find with most rides that the first 20 miles is fine, then from around 25 to 35 things become a little difficult where every hill no matter what size reduces the legs to wobbling wrecks. Then the final 5 miles at least you know you are nearly there and can sometimes find second wind.

Today I finished 30 miles instead of my usual 40 or so, but I included 3 biggish hills this time rather than try and go round them. (I am rubbish at hills and certainly need the practice at them) I was very pleased and something must be happening to the muscles in my legs as I managed to get up all 3 of them only stopping for a rest and drink 3/4 of the way up the first hill. Covered the 30 miles with an average speed of 12.4mph.
Wow that's brilliant! I'm also rubbish at hills but I have a heart condition and even though I've been told to exercise by my consultant I'm still wary at how much I can push myself (before I collapse and die!:laugh:) I think I'm just paranoid because not once have I felt ill and I have pushed myself quite hard! You're right when you say you get a second wind in the last 5 miles I did a 25 mile charity ride in June had only been cycling a couple of months and not very regularly either so extremely unfit!! Got to the half way point and was struggling but when I got to the last refreshment stop 5 miles from the finish I found myself getting up the hills and averaging a pretty decent speed! I felt great when I finished!

It definitely seems like your doing well you'll be doing 100 miles before you know it!! :thumbsup:
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