hi-viz gone mad....

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just jim

These are Copenhaganites making their way to Hafliörds to buy h-viz rechargeable L.E.D tabards with their cash money.



Well-Known Member
An interesting discussion.
On the basis that nobody has given me a reason to stop wearing Hi Viz I think I'll continue to use it. It won't do me any harm; it may save me from a SMIDSY.


Evidence based cyclist
Anyway Hi viz is essential according to Halfords. So there!

"Sometimes called hi viz clothing, these brightly coloured accessories reflect light and make sure drivers and other road users know you're there. It's essential to wear hi vis clothing when riding at night or in dull weather, to help keep you safe"

Wow, that's amazing. How exactly does high-viz manage this conjuring trick?

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Will Hi viz become the discussion item that gets banished to its own sub forum?

Anyway Hi viz is essential according to Halfords. So there!

"Sometimes called hi viz clothing, these brightly coloured accessories reflect light and make sure drivers and other road users know you're there. It's essential to wear hi vis clothing when riding at night or in dull weather, to help keep you safe"
£9.99 for a standard reflective waistcoat? I can get four for that price from Charlies Stores.:wacko:


Here for rides.
An interesting discussion.
On the basis that nobody has given me a reason to stop wearing Hi Viz I think I'll continue to use it. It won't do me any harm; it may save me from a SMIDSY.
No one is trying to persuade you or anyone else not to wear it, if you/they want to.
Anyway Hi viz is essential according to Halfords. So there!

"Sometimes called hi viz clothing, these brightly coloured accessories reflect light and make sure drivers and other road users know you're there.
Love it! So next time some wombat in a BMW "doesn't see" me, I can make a claim against Halfords. Yippee - that's a gravy train that'll fund a long and pleasurable retirement! :whistle:

Seriously though - we can argue amongst ourselves til Kingdom Come about the need/desirability/whatever of hi viz. And it's pretty much irrelevant?

Personally, what counts is that no f*ckw!t, nor his/her insurance company, gets the chance to weasel out of their responsibilities, should I be knocked off my bike, by claiming they'd have seen me if I'd had hi viz.

Scientific effectivenesss - open to question.
Effectiveness against scheming barstewards - definitely.


Just call me Chris...
Hi-viz, the clue's in the name :thumbsup:
I've heard this, but the last time I was knocked off it was classic SMIDSY.

I was in jeans and a sweatshirt, no helmet.

The insurer of the driver rang me and settled there and then.

I've never met anyone who had their claim adjusted or queried because of perceived partial invisibility or somesuch similar.

I like the idea of being visible partly because I feel safer when I'm more easily seen and partly because in Star Trek the Romulans never seemed to win despite their cloaking device. It's the H--Viz Enterprise and her brightly dressed crew who generally prevail, although I may be mixing fiction with fact here.

It may be that the stories of insurers questioning liability on a matter of visibility have some basis in fact, but they have only ever reached my ears as rumour.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Whatever the pros and cos, I feel that the insurance companies will use lack of fluorescent gear against any cyclist involved in an rtc with a motorist.

I prefer to deprive them of that opportunity.
Have you ever heard of this happening?

I've had involvement with several insurance companies for several collisions, never had an issue with not wearing hi-viz.


Über Member
I'm a bit late to this party, but when I cycle (usually around dusk on the way home) hi-vis sticks out like a sore thumb. So thumbs up to it's use.

It shouldn't be used instead of lights, but if you just have an ok pair (of lights) then it helps dramatically. It's particularly helpful to see when people are signalling left or right...(I haven't seen anyone with lights on their arms yet!)
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