Hit and Run in Knightsbridge. Cyclist chases down motorist.

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Legendary Member
The funny thing about unloading these videos to Youtube is that people must believe there's a Police officer somewhere who's got time to sit and view them! Do they imagine the driver is going to be shamed or prosecuted? They're deluding themselves; it's just petty revenge.

If you really want to make life awkward for bad drivers you have to have the balls to ring the Police non-emergency number and ask to make a report of dangerous driving. Lancashire Police encourage us to report speeders in our street and reports are logged on the PNC. This helps the Police to build up a picture of the driver and if there are reports the vehicle is likely to be stopped next time it's seen by a patrol car equipped with ANPR. More than three separate reports earns the driver a home visit; by using this method we've dealt with two habitual speeders in our street.

The number in Lancashire is 0845 1 25 35 45.


Welcome #TrafficDroid your tweets and youtube channel amuse me.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
The funny thing about unloading these videos to Youtube is that people must believe there's a Police officer somewhere who's got time to sit and view them! Do they imagine the driver is going to be shamed or prosecuted? They're deluding themselves; it's just petty revenge.

If you really want to make life awkward for bad drivers you have to have the balls to ring the Police non-emergency number and ask to make a report of dangerous driving. Lancashire Police encourage us to report speeders in our street and reports are logged on the PNC. This helps the Police to build up a picture of the driver and if there are reports the vehicle is likely to be stopped next time it's seen by a patrol car equipped with ANPR. More than three separate reports earns the driver a home visit; by using this method we've dealt with two habitual speeders in our street.

The number in Lancashire is 0845 1 25 35 45.
Depends where you are. In London there is ;)
This whole post is basically justifying the guy and his driving, because it's 'not unusual', and manages to make the video cyclist out to be a bigger problem.

You'd rather he waited for the next lane to open up so he could pass 'safely', by which point the car would be long gone.

Kookas, I do not justify the driver's actions. I have re-read my post and I do not even come close. If it helps to clarify the matter, I condemn his driving. For that part of West London, I find it poor-to-middling. I lived for a few years just south of HP Avenue and I still cycle those roads often. I do not find the driving unusual. I was driving that very section on Sunday (coming home from The Tate and other London sights). I was cut up several times between The Palace and Harrods. Those roads are the home of freakshow driving and have been for decades. These things do happen. I do not seek to justify the driving and nor does that phrase suggest I do.

In reply to your second paragraph, I'd rather he hadn't confronted the driver at all. Certainly the way he chose to do it looked like a rush of blood which may or may not have been influenced by the multitude of cameras he uses. The OP seems to enjoy intervening and (as shown on the telly programme) uses a near-death experience to justify it. Several broken ribs and damaged shoulders over the decades have not tempted me to behave similarly.

I see the behaviour displayed by the OP as something approaching roadwarrior vigilantism. I find it embarrassing and I believe most road users I know would either condemn it or laugh out loud at it (or both).

More disturbing still, he thought it worthy of sharing with others. I'm not surprised that his actions have the support of some on these pages. I embrace differences of opinion, even when the other party is wrong.


North Shields
Personally I wouldn't bother riding with one camera, let alone six, but I can understand why some folk do it.

What I don't understand is why someone thinks they're doing good by blaring an unreasonably loud horn, cycling like an idiot and then aggressively confronting someone about a mistake they have made.


Legendary Member
If the OP carries on confronting motorists in that way he might not be so lucky next time; a driver might get out with a baseball bat and do some damage to him and his bike. What the OP seems to have missed is that cars are sacrosanct territory to their drivers and people don't take kindly to being approached or threatened when in their cars. It only takes one nutter.


North Shields
If the OP carries on confronting motorists in that way he might not be so lucky next time; a driver might get out with a baseball bat and do some damage to him and his bike. What the OP seems to have missed is that cars are sacrosanct territory to their drivers and people don't take kindly to being approached or threatened when in their cars. It only takes one nutter.

Not limited to car drivers either! I'd be raging if he chased me down with his stupid klaxon.


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
This is cycle droid - a pretend cycle cop injured in the line of duty. Now a police troublemaker, he's been recruited for a top secret government mission to ride Street Hawk - an all-terrain noise bicycle designed to fight urban crime. Capable of incredible noises up to three hundred decibels , and immense camera footage. Only one man, federal agent Norman Tuttle, knows cycle droids true identity. The man. The machine. Street Hawk.
(queue tangerine dream theme song)


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
I'd be the first to admit I'm sometimes uncomfortable with the way Traffic Droid talks to errant motorists. OTOH, if I were in a crash and someone were to come past, I'm pretty sure I'd want it to be TD, or Gaz or Clarion or someone like them. I know they'd help me and do their best rather than ride off and not give a fck.


Moortown, Leeds
I have just watched it again and I think what TD did was pretty good. The driver seemed to think waving to someone after the event whilst driving away is acceptable? Drivers like that need reporting, they will continue to think it is ok and one day a slight distraction and he has knocked someone over and left them with more than a bruised elbow.

I do think 6 cams and the air thingy is over the top but it served a purpose.

Hip Priest

I'd be the first to admit I'm sometimes uncomfortable with the way Traffic Droid talks to errant motorists. OTOH, if I were in a crash and someone were to come past, I'm pretty sure I'd want it to be TD, or Gaz or Clarion or someone like them. I know they'd help me and do their best rather than ride off and not give a ***.

He could've helped by calmly approaching the cyclist and informing them that he had the incident on camera, along with the registration plate. Driving or riding recklessly in pursuit of another road user can surely not be condoned by anyone.

It was road rage, pure & simple, and someone could've been hurt.
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