How about a CC cycling mag?

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Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
I just had another peep at the Magazines thread and noticed that I'm not the only one disillusioned with C+, which is probably the mainstream UK cycling mag.

Then I got to thinking. Last weekend I bought a brand new photography mag which has just appeared here in Germany. It seems to be the offshoot of a phot website called fotocommunity and claims to be the only phot mag run by hobbyists as opposed to publishers.

I wonder, in a spirit of idle daydreaming, if, in the medium term, a similar mag could spring from the loins of cycle chat. Lord knows we have enough knowledgeable, talented and witty people. I am, for instance, the world's leading authority on the 100 yds of the Danube bike path which runs in front of my flat. Mickle knows something about derailleurs and can quite possibly even adjust them. Hilldodger read a book about cycleing once. Arch used to know a bloke who had a recumbent. See what I mean? The base is there.

Is it worth considering? Is it feasible?

Oops! Just noted the typo in the title, so I won't be pushing for the job of editor then.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
The CTC mag is fine for me. Haven't taken C+ for years and believe that the editor of the CTC mag was originally editor of C+ in its glory days.


Well, I reckon it's do-able.

Are we talking printed magazine or PDF?

I, and quite a few others on CC, have got the DTP / Photoshop background for the design side of things, but I suppose it just boils down to time, cost, and content.

Interesting idea though ... especially as it runs alongside the community based ethos I try to nurture at CC.

We'd all own it because we'd all have a hand in building it.

What does everyone else think?

Shaun ;)


the tank engine
I run a podcast on a forum that I won and run. It is a lot smaller than here but it can be hard to try and get people to contribute. I've got a podcast almost ready to go, other than an piece of audio I'm waiting on from someone.

Thankfully, it's not a monthly thing, so it's not the end of the world. If I managed it better (if I managed it sorry ;)) then stuff would probably happen more frequently.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
mickle said:
I'm already Associate Editor of an on-line publication due to be launched in September, so sorry, I'm out.

Well, I'm editorial assistant on a print magazine, and subject to having time, Admin,you can count me in in what ever capacity seems useful....:biggrin:

I suspect pdf is much the easier to start with, just cutting out the need for printers, un-used copies etc.

I quite like the 'Ask Bonj' idea, that could be hilarious, like a sort of spoof agony aunt...
Andy in Sig

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Admin said:
Well, I reckon it's do-able.

Are we talking printed magazine or PDF?

I, and quite a few others on CC, have got the DTP / Photoshop background for the design side of things, but I suppose it just boils down to time, cost, and content.

Interesting idea though ... especially as it runs alongside the community based ethos I try to nurture at CC.

We'd all own it because we'd all have a hand in building it.

What does everyone else think?

Shaun :biggrin:

The phot mag I bought in Germany is a printed mag and I discovered it in the newsagents at the ridiculously low price (compared to "professional" phot mags) of 2 Euros. I guess that this is because it is not being primarily run for profit for a printing house. The paper is not glossy but the mag is fine. If you are interested, PM me and I will post you a copy so you can see what is achievable.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Part of my job is a designer doing magazines etc and doing a CycleChat magazine would be very easy in some ways... it's getting the content (as someone said above) that's the issue! There are some VERY good writers on here in terms of 'Your ride today' (I'm thinking of Aperitif and Arallsopp in particular, but several other good'uns as well) so reports of rides/tours would be easy, but reviews of kit etc might be harder.

But I love the idea of an 'Ask Bonj' section that would make the magazine worthwhile in itself. Can we ask him anything, like his recommendation on the best tea blends or which prop to use on a boat, or does it have to be about cycling only?


More serious cyclist than Bonj
If theres anyone that is needed to test out fixeds and review them, pllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeee can i do it? Please?
I will use my best English and make sure its right.

The 'ask Bonj' section could be a laugh. And i think any questions about anything, he could be like the agony aunt.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
"Dear Bonj,

When I got my bike out of the shed, I realised the mudguard had fallen off. My husband won't let me ride without it as I'll get a dirty back, but you said I don't need it. Husband threatens to divorce me if I don't refit mudguard. What should I do?"


mickle said:
I'm already Associate Editor of an on-line publication due to be launched in September, so sorry, I'm out.

This could be your opporchancity to move on up and be


Fame and Fortune at last :smile:



well, maybe not the fortune bit.



not so sure about the fame, come to think of it :biggrin:

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