How do you confront idiots like this?

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Well-Known Member
I'd just ignore him, he is obviously a total fud! People like him use the internet to vent their moronic ideas, not so they can expand their understanding of everything around them. Nothing you say or do will change his opinion, he wont reply with an "ah, I didn't know that, thanks for informing me". Just understand that this is the attitude of a lot of drivers out there and cycle defensively.

Nearly there

A friend of mine has just posted on that other social network site a rant about cyclists and how they should pay tax insurance etc,reading comments people have put the split is 50/50 for and against cyclists in general,all the usual steryotypes about cyclists where posted riding in the middle of a road,riding 2 abreast etc etc so Iv'e had to wade in with my two penneth and he's a bus driver :rolleyes:
The internet is full of people reveling in their own enormity about the fact they can say what they like anonymously and without responsibility.

I saw an anti-graffiti label on a works toilet door years ago:
"He who writes upon this wall is the lowest of them all;
For as he writes and shows his wit;
He only shines where others shoot!"

It seems to apply very well to some parts of the internet.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
The internet is full of people reveling in their own enormity about the fact they can say what they like anonymously and without responsibility.

I saw an anti-graffiti label on a works toilet door years ago:
"He who writes upon this wall is the lowest of them all;
For as he writes and shows his wit;
He only shines where others s***!"

It seems to apply very well to some parts of the internet.

That's not a very nice thing to say about Cyclechat!


Über Member
why bother complain to twitter and get his account banned. He will probably open a new one just keep repeating the process
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