How do you cope with sweat?

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Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Labouring up some hills today I had sweat pouring down my face and into my eyes, stinging and blinding. Trying to wipe off with mitts was pretty ineffectual so I'd just like to ask how others cope - bandana, sweatband, cloth in back pocket?


Senior Member
north ayrshire
iv used sweatbands in the past but tend to find they hold the sweat which can then come out if you touch it causing more discomfort than not having it.
i now have a 100% cotton bandana and think its great it seems to just suck the sweat away and it evaporates also i find a bandana is easier than sweat bands if you have a cap or helmet on too. i normal have 2 or 3 bandanas on me so i can swap them over if need be.
they also work great if you get them wet first they cool your head down alot

the other option is to ride quicker so the wind cools you down lol

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
I use a sweatband on very hot days. If the ride is a long and arduous one, e.g. our Audax Alpine Classic, I use 2 sweatbands. When one gets saturated, I just loop it through a saddlebag or somewhere else it can get some air blown on it, while wearing the other sweatband.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Vaseline over the eyebrows helps to reduce the problem but it doesn't stop it completely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Norven Mankey
Labouring up some hills today I had sweat pouring down my face and into my eyes, stinging and blinding. Trying to wipe off with mitts was pretty ineffectual so I'd just like to ask how others cope - bandana, sweatband, cloth in back pocket?

Just man up and accept it as being part of a badass hill climber. Sweatbands are for girly tennis players and aerobicisers, bandanas are for balding WWE wrestlers
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