How fit are you?

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Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
I'd say I'm about a 5 or 6 on that scale. Currently sitting at teh computer I have 48 bpm, though once when I was younger and very fit I measured a 32.

Max is 191 actual, I averaged something like 186bpm for the entire Berlin inline marathon the year before last. Eeek!!


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
This fit.. My resting HR is the same as my age strangely enough. I hope it doesn't stay like that for too long..

On a personal fitness level I am pretty close to 10 but I wouldn't like to to compete with a TdF cyclist:ohmy:


New Member
South Beds.
I'm prolly 6.5...just to be precise.
I can rapidly feel myself getting fitter and stronger.
Haven't tested my heart beat but I know I have a big lung capacity to help.


Resting HR is usually between 48 and 54. Can't say I'm fit because while a do cycle for 12 hours a week most of you lot would cover the distance in half the time :biggrin:

Another indication of fitness is how quickly after exercise your HR falls off back to approaching normal. It's quite rewarding to get off the bike at work in the morning and have a quick glance at the HR monitor as I lock the bike away. 125 ish and under two minutes later into the 60's.

HR is a very good indication of health. I was sick last year and I was getting unusual HR readings four months before I eventually had to go to the doc's. I just hadn't a clue how to interpret the data I'd collected.


New Member
Kirstie said:
My fastest ever - average 16.6mph - not fast by blokey standards but it's fast for me!

Faster than me! I'd only manage just over 16mph on a good day.
My heart rate now is 56. Does this mean that I'm resting in the office?


Sat here my RHR is 48. I was significantly "fitter" than I am now when I did a lot of short distance time trials.

But that begs the question "Fit for what?". For example, I'm not very flexible and would probably be rubbish at weight lifting.

On Sunday I went for a walk - 24 miles, and it was fairly hard because I haven't walked much lately. Yet in April I walked 100km cross-country in less than 24 hours. I'm certainly not fit for that now.


BentMikey said:
I'd say I'm about a 5 or 6 on that scale. Currently sitting at teh computer I have 48 bpm, though once when I was younger and very fit I measured a 32.

absolute twaddle. That's only one every two seconds! You're a human, FFS (allegedly), if you're going to make up heart rate statistics at least if you made them in the fifties it would be believable.


FWIW, my little bro claims that doing weight lifting achieves anaerobic exercise, and thus helps you lose weight. To me that's a little bit like drinking whisky to quench your thirst, but hey.
bonj said:
absolute twaddle. That's only one every two seconds! You're a human, FFS (allegedly), if you're going to make up heart rate statistics at least if you made them in the fifties it would be believable.

Bonj, as usual, talking bollocks.

I once did clinical trials with a bunch of averagely fit aussies and kiwis. All keen sportsmen, none of us super-athletes.

The trials involved spending hours at a time on our beds wired up to hospital monitors.

The alarms on the monitors would regularly go off as our HRs dropped to 35, 33, 32bpm. The nurses would dart out from their station, expecting an adverse reaction to the drug we were testing, only to find us reading, or dozing or something.

After a while, as a courtesy to the nurses, we'd do a few half-situps or something to keep the HR in the mid-40s.

Stick to randomness, Bonj
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