How Often Do You Stop

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graham jw

New Member

I'm trying to improve my fitness levels. My average distance is 25 miles which takes me about 1 and a half hours with about 1000 ft of climbing.

I want to increase my distance. Can I ask the more experienced amongst you how long (hours) you ride for before taking a break? Do you eat/drink on the bike, or stop. Also, how much fluid do you take in bofore you set off and when do you need to stop to releive the said fluid!



If I'm on my own, I tend not to stop on anything up to 4 hrs; but then it's hilly round here so you get plenty rest on the descents. Eating and drinking occurs on the bike and I probably go through a 750ml bottle every hour/hour and a half (less than I have seen recommended) depending on the time of year. I have a tumbler of water before leaving the house (ca 400ml) and normally don't stop for a 'comfort break'.

I wouldn't worry too much about what others do. Listen to your body and stop if you feel the need to. Drink little and often and if increasing the distance, take some snacks with you (flapjacks, malt loaf, fruit cake, bananas, jelly babies - my dad likes to take cheese and jam sandwiches, that's as a combo).


A Velocipedian
Without wishing to sound flippant I stop when I am tired or in need of food (unless I am deliberately pushing myself). As your fittness improves you will find you need to stop less. One tip I will give you is try not to stop as soon as you have crested a hill. Ride on down or along the flat for a while. It is a psychological thing that prevents your body from being conditioned to expect a hill top to equate to a rest :smile:


You are averaging 17mph which I think is good.

Like others I stop when I need to, except any time I cycle over Eaglesham Moor, where I always stop at the top to admire the view (get my breath back and dring lots of water!)
Normally I could do a three hour ride withour needing a break.

graham jw

New Member
Thanks everyone.

I don't feel the need to stop during riding. I was curious to know what others did. I feel relatively fresh when I have finished and I think I can cycle for longer. I'm quite time poor with a young family, and my ride time is dictated by spare time. I also play golf once a week and don't like to upset the apple cart at home too much!
Im another one who does not tend to stop while out on my own 4-5 hours. I usually eat and drink on the move.

Clubs rides are different as other have already said. They tend to be more social and a good cafe stop is essential.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
Without wishing to sound flippant I stop when I am tired or in need of food (unless I am deliberately pushing myself). As your fittness improves you will find you need to stop less. One tip I will give you is try not to stop as soon as you have crested a hill. Ride on down or along the flat for a while. It is a psychological thing that prevents your body from being conditioned to expect a hill top to equate to a rest :smile:

It's not just psychology in my case - I can get cramp if I stop after a hard hill-climb. I tend to stay in a fairly low gear for a bit to get the blood going again then I just carry as normal.

Top of Winnats Pass is my favourite for not stopping altho' lots do.


Well-Known Member
North Devon
Another one for not stopping on a solo ride, can do up to 5hrs on my own, eat / drink on the move, rarely have a "comfort" stop,
Group rides are different, we dont have coffee stops but we do have "regroups" along the way.


Bionic Subsonic
Depends what I'm doing. I'm going to be stopping a lot over the next four days so that I can take in views, take photos, have a look around, etc. Then again I'm touring :smile:

On a normal ride I'll probably stop every couple hours but I have not hard rule about where and when.


Bexley, Kent
Stopping or not is a pretty personal thing. The best advice I was given was eat before you're hungry and drink before you're thirsty. Works for me - so, little and often, usually whilst in the saddle. Anything less than 50 miles, I'm unlikely to stop if I'm on my own (unless nature calls), on a more social ride, there will be stops.


Über Member
I spend my rides watching the cycle computer, counting down the miles to the next energy bar, gel, sandwich, crisps or fruit :thumbsup:

Did a 105 miler last year, stopped 3 times for sarnies/crisps/fruit. Had the gels and energy bars on the move.

But just do what you feel like, either blast non-stop or pootle about taking in the sights of our lovely countryside :biggrin:
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