How often do you wash your bike in the winter honestly?

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Über Member
I've just spent an hour washing down my bikes(2) and they were disgusting, It took ages to get the cogs and chain cleanish. I need to do it more often but when its freezing cold and you have to mess about with the ouside tap and sloshing loads of water about its horrible. I dont have a hose pipe either as I cant get one to fit the outside tap, so its all buckets of water and the watering can.
Does anybody really wash their bikes after every ride?


Early Retirement Planning
What be this washing you speak of, are you some spawn of Satan?


Legendary Member
No, mine got a baby wiping (I know, not the best) before I put it away for a extended break. Probably needed wheels removing and mudguards etc cleaning but I couldn't be bothered! I think I thoroughly cleaned a chain once, I wipe the worst off with kitchen towel when lubing
If I were to use water, it would come from the hot tap in the kitchen , fill bucket, into garden (I don't really ride in very mucky conditions and full mudguards do a pretty good job!)


South Wales
Certainly not, since most of my rides on weekdays are either commutes or finish after dark.

I normally wash it most weekends if I have been riding during the week. I may give the chain some additional lubrication if a ride has been particularly wet, but otherwise I don't normally touch the bike between rides during the week.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Road bikes and MTB - every ride. Commuter, depending on the weather/amount of crud covering it, either after a day of wet commuting or once a week (3 return commutes). Wet commute includes oiling chain. Commute is a mix of off road, so dirt/mud/leaves.

It takes all of ten minutes with a soft wash brush. Oh, and cold water and car shampoo. Rag along chain to wipe off excess dirt, and rag folded and run through sprockets to remove crud. Jockey's given a quick wipe too.

The commuter has had a refurb so is being 'looked after'.

I am a bit OCD about a clean bike. I don't mind it getting covered in goo, and the MTB certainly does, but it's cleaned and lubed after.


Not to sure?
Personally, I always hose the bike down after every ride, which is pretty much every day. Then a proper sponge wash and wheels removed after the Sunday ride, ready to start the week again.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Can I ask if you have full mudguards fitted ?

Big John

I can't remember the last time I 'washed' my bikes. I dry clean them and they're still pretty spotless. I clean after every ride mainly because I'm retired and I have the time.


Über Member
Can I ask if you have full mudguards fitted ?

Yes full on the road/gravel bike with flaps and on the mountain bike a crud catcher on the down tube and a full mudhugger on the back. Its all the black gunk on the drive chain and around the jockey wheels that was hard to get off. I had to scrub it with various brushes and use degreasers etc. I do ride both bikes in the mud etc as I ride bridleways and take the MTB birdwatching.
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