I will be appearing on BBC Wales

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Moderator message: Plenty of people have already said, at length and repetitively, what they think about this episode. The matter is now closed.
Boris, a mention of this on a previous post of yours was removed. I am leaving this here as a warning. Anyone else harping on about this will be banned from this thread (or any other thread on which they choose to mention it).

That's fine. My tone is moderate and I do not resort to the effing and shouty, accusatory tone of some others.

It seems perfectly reasonable to me to draw attention to the hypocrisy of a poster's line in light of his other postings.

I quite understand that many will see this as wrong. I am broadly positive about the film, but cannot help but giggle at the hypocrisy nonetheless.

No complaints from me whatever you choose to do.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Give it a rest Boris FFS


Senior Member
Why did they pixelate that thugs face?

It does seem perverse that the press can actually invent stories and accuse famous people of all sorts but the identity of someone who admitted to the police they did something wrong has to be protected... Maybe it's because he was just given a warning and didn't go to court.
If he accepted the caution it means he admitted the offence. Is there a way of freezing a youtube clip and posting the image? the clip has had a load of viewings and comments since the programme.
It's cos drivers get defensive if challenged, even with a mutter. there are two things men will never accept criticism of and drivings one of them.


Senior Member
It's cos drivers get defensive if challenged, even with a mutter. there are two things men will never accept criticism of and drivings one of them.

I muttered 'jumping the red light' at a cyclist a few weeks ago and he went totally off his nut, I think with some people if could be any slight thing, they're just a hair's breadth away from a total meltdown.

I guess the main route that people encounter people they don't know is through travelling from one place to another and the faster you do it and the more likelihood of actual harm (physical or financial), the higher incidence of something happening. In different situations, it's circumstances like a husband smacking his wife cos she burnt the dinner or looked at another bloke for 2 seconds.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Wow, a balanced programme for once.

You came over fine, as a nice young lad in the article, when some hairy ar$ed fella came over to you in the incident ! Shame the various 'offenders' weren't named.

Bet you loved riding up and down the road between the Lido Centre and the Beeches Hotel for the shots ! ^_^

Must say it was better than Road Wars that didn't paint anyone in a good light.

Just watch out for road raging Linda - she came out badly !
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