I will be appearing on BBC Wales

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Legendary Member
Outstanding Matthew, you are to be congratulated on your reaction in the video and the manner in which you presented yourself on television. It's good to see a cyclist giving a reasoned response.
the War On The Roads was a dreadful programme, this was miles better.


A nice clip but the "road rage" focus means it doesn't really address dangerous driving that puts cyclists at risk.


It's cos drivers get defensive if challenged, even with a mutter. there are two things men will never accept criticism of and drivings one of them.
The version of that which I often quote is:

There are three things that all men are convinced they can do without training. In all three cases the results are equally awful. The three things are driving a car, making love, and writing a report.
Nothing to worry about Matthew.

Hip Priest

Just one thing I'd like to mention. People are criticising the lady who admitted to road rage. But her road rage took the form of shouting at drivers who'd driven dangerously and taken risks with her safety. If she was on a bike doing this, you'd all be giving her a pat on the back.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Just one thing I'd like to mention. People are criticising the lady who admitted to road rage. But her road rage took the form of shouting at drivers who'd driven dangerously and taken risks with her safety. If she was on a bike doing this, you'd all be giving her a pat on the back.
I'm more of fair enough. Least she is one who rages at bad driving rather than one who rages while driving badly. I would rather have her than the latter.
A well put together program and I must admit to shouting at people who do stupid dangerous things in front of me whilst I'm both driving and cycling..... Perhaps I'd better stop it now as I am as guilty as "Linda" of road rage and I am risking retaliation like both Matthew and the guy who got run over experienced.....

But I felt at Matthew came across as a well balanced and intelligent chap. I also liked the fact that he admitted that he didn't need to make the comment about cutting the corner.... but who would expected a reaction like that from the driver though?

Well done Matthew for a good interview appearance


I think its the injustice of this country which is stopping people commuting, I know club riders who wouldnt dream of cycling through Leeds on a daily basis, its just to dodgy.

It's perceived to be dodgy, when in reality it isn't.


A reasonable and balanced un-sensationalist piece of journalism.

It tackled road rage, rather then the particular mode of transport someone took, which was good.

And it hinted on the numb of the problem - the inability to be able to communicate properly when in a vehicle.
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