If Guy Martin can do it.

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Touch it up and ride it
The saddle as a whole looked like it had done 20000miles I love the make do and mend attitude though.

Just goes to show you dont need new shiny kit to enjoy cycling , people could watch and learn


Eh up
Makes me realise that on my geared bike I just need to suck it up and get on with it. truly inspiring bloke and seems like a good laugh.

I like Guy and enjoyed the program but why on the single speed, was it his decision, was it done for shock value, I am sure he would have known the record would have been quicker and easier with gears.


Getting old but not past it
I like Guy and enjoyed the program but why on the single speed, was it his decision, was it done for shock value, I am sure he would have known the record would have been quicker and easier with gears.
He did say at one point that if he was to do it again, he would use gears. I don't think he studied the topography and thought it would be flat all the way .


Norven Mankey
Anyone like to hazard a guess whether the efficiency saving from the simpler kit will have outweighed the drawback of walking up a few slopes? Here's what I think he was trying to ride: http://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=mapzen_bicycle&route=41.7782,84.2494;38.1361,85.5331#map=8/39.585/84.089&layers=C

The main thing not to like about Guy Martin is that he escaped driving bans repeatedly by pleading it would cause hardship, having 21 points at one point. http://www.mbr.co.uk/news/trail_news/feature-riding-with-tt-ace-guy-martin-313979

I was somewhat ambivalent regarding Guy Martin but the info that he's has 21 points on his license and "I just keep getting caught in my van..." puts him firmly in the People I Really Don't Like category
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Legendary Member
I need to watch this episode and the first two of his trip to China, he's a top fella and you can't help but smile at his approach to life, and be impressed by his ability at whatever he seems to have a go at.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I was somewhat ambivalent regarding Guy Martin but the info that he's has 21 points on his license and "I just keep getting caught in my van..." puts him firmly in the People I Really Don't Like category
Reportedly, he got clue after that interview and stopped driving like a dick due to the backlash about that and other similar interviews. He did make some comment calling it "driving like a saint" or something like that, which it isn't. It's just driving normally on public roads.

Anyway: it's possible he's got a clean licence again by now with those points having expired.
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Richard A Thackeray

Legendary Member
6m31t.jpg http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24951702


Reading his latest book and his account of the tour divide was fantastic. I think people forget that he's as much in love with his bicycles as he is with his motorbikes and whilst I don't doubt his mental toughness plays a big part in these things, he's an incredibly fit cyclist already.


Legendary Member
I was somewhat ambivalent regarding Guy Martin but the info that he's has 21 points on his license and "I just keep getting caught in my van..." puts him firmly in the People I Really Don't Like category
Bit of asnap judgement. Although on the face of it, its not great driving, but more likely to have been doing 80+ on the motorway than screaming past schools at 40mph at turning out time. Yes speeding is speeding in the eyes of the law, but one is going to have more devastating consequences.
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