If Guy Martin can do it.

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Deleted member 26715

[QUOTE 4590197, member: 45"]You know some of that only applies to Scotland?[/QUOTE]
The law changed last year to allow LGV's to drive at 50mph, did that not change in Scotland?

Deleted member 26715

[QUOTE 4590209, member: 45"]Not according to .gov[/QUOTE]
That's the exact same link I posted several pages ago which shows that LGV's can drive at 50MPH I thought you were implying that the UK law didn't cover Scotland?

Deleted member 26715

[QUOTE 4590243, member: 45"]That link says that one limit is different in Scotland.[/QUOTE]
Thank you I had missed that, so in this instance Scotland have done the correct thing & rejected the increase.

Deleted member 26715

Only ever came up that way to go to the Next depot just outside Motherwell I think it was, used to go over the A66 & regularly used to get a call asking why I wasn't at the depot yet, my response was always, it's my license & the speed limit is 40MPH. You could just get to the services about 15 miles short of the depot.


Lovely jubbly
It hasn't gone too well.....

Update on Guy’s around Britain cycle ride:


"Well it’s not gone quite to plan.

"I"ve cycled over 11,000 miles this year, including the Tour Divide in America, to and from work most days and I spent three weeks in China in October, back for a few days at work, straight to New Zealand for ten days racing motorbikes, back for a few days at work and then off.

"I badly pulled my achilles tendon on the left side after a day or so but thought I'd just get my head down and work through it. I kept good miles up and got to John O’Groats from Grimsby in 4 days and 8 hours, about 800 miles. But my leg was getting worse and I thought I could keep going and maybe do the whole lot in 30 days but I knew I'd be jiggered for a long time after and maybe even have serious long term damage, which would mean I couldn’t do the serious cycle trip I've got in my head for next year.

So I've put my push bike back in the shed for the rest of the year, giving my leg a chance to recover. I'm back at work and I realise I need to listen to my body more. By just manning up I was papering over the cracks. Thanks very much for the support, loads of folk wishing me well and that was mega.

"It is what it is and like I said ‘Ive got to stop it before it stops me’ and it did stop me."


Photos: www.guymartinproper.com



But, hopefully few were convinced that top frame builder Rourke was an ordinary bike he used to cycle to work.
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Über Member
I respect the guy even more for being man enough to know when to call it a day. It shows he is only human but you know deep down early next year he will be back out to complete what he already started.
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