Hi there, just in case any of you are interested, I'm back from India and I survived!
What an amazing experience .
The journey out there was a challenge in itself but the excitement got us all through it. The bikes were amazing, even though they were basic but I just loved mine and could easily have brought it home with me. We had a fantastic maintenance and back up crew though thankfully I didn't need them very much, and no punctures!There were 74 women of varying ages and abilities and we covered about 250 miles and I rode every inch, up every hill and 'incline' and finished with my 'cyclebum' fully intact, mostly helped by my wonderful saddle (thanks Mickle).
I don't know if any of your ears were burning but I was constantly singing the praises of all the wonderful advice support and encouragement that I recieved from you lot on here. I totally amazed myself at my fitness and ability and even found myself helping a couple of ladies with gear changing and so on, which before I came on here I could barely do myself. Mind you I did get a slight knuckle rap for being in the 'wrong' gear on a hill from the event leader!
This has been a life changing experience and was challenging both physically and emotionally, a lot of laughter and quite a few tears but everyone crossed the finish line.
But also cycling through rural Rajasthan, I felt like Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boreman, mostly the response was so welcoming, but in places such a culture shock. Some roads were brilliant to cycle along and also some great off roads though some of the proper roads were the most challenging and the cry of 'Bums up' as a warning of major pot holes was a frequent call!
A huge Thank You to all of you who made this possible for me. I could probably have coped by just going out an cycling the best I could, but having such sound advice on how to do it properly is what has made all the difference. This has meant that I could really get the most out of the challenge rather than it being purely and endurance trip which for some it was. Also the motivational support when I had low moments in training were so important.
What's next? possibly China 2009 but don't tell my hubby just yet
What an amazing experience .
The journey out there was a challenge in itself but the excitement got us all through it. The bikes were amazing, even though they were basic but I just loved mine and could easily have brought it home with me. We had a fantastic maintenance and back up crew though thankfully I didn't need them very much, and no punctures!There were 74 women of varying ages and abilities and we covered about 250 miles and I rode every inch, up every hill and 'incline' and finished with my 'cyclebum' fully intact, mostly helped by my wonderful saddle (thanks Mickle).
I don't know if any of your ears were burning but I was constantly singing the praises of all the wonderful advice support and encouragement that I recieved from you lot on here. I totally amazed myself at my fitness and ability and even found myself helping a couple of ladies with gear changing and so on, which before I came on here I could barely do myself. Mind you I did get a slight knuckle rap for being in the 'wrong' gear on a hill from the event leader!
This has been a life changing experience and was challenging both physically and emotionally, a lot of laughter and quite a few tears but everyone crossed the finish line.
But also cycling through rural Rajasthan, I felt like Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boreman, mostly the response was so welcoming, but in places such a culture shock. Some roads were brilliant to cycle along and also some great off roads though some of the proper roads were the most challenging and the cry of 'Bums up' as a warning of major pot holes was a frequent call!
A huge Thank You to all of you who made this possible for me. I could probably have coped by just going out an cycling the best I could, but having such sound advice on how to do it properly is what has made all the difference. This has meant that I could really get the most out of the challenge rather than it being purely and endurance trip which for some it was. Also the motivational support when I had low moments in training were so important.
What's next? possibly China 2009 but don't tell my hubby just yet