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Senior Member
A lot of people talk about lenient prison sentences - if you set foot in Commuting there will always be a discussion about some driver or other who has killed a cyclist, but "let off" with only a few years in prison.

A 4chan member got himself involved in an attempted armed robbery, skipped bail, and got sent to prison for two years for his trouble. When he got out he wrote up about it. Sure, this is a US prison and there are undoubtedly many differences, but reading it will make you think. Bad language and gruesome imagery abound, but its well worth a read.

For a brief moment I misunderstood your thread title, I thought we were about to read a lament from Cyclechat's very own Norman Stanley Fletcher! :blush: Sorry!

I've only ever once in my life set foot in a prison: that was HMP Coldingley, where I was helping to install some electronic stuff many moons ago. As I recall, it was a very 'clean' but cold and unwelcoming place, like a hospital: the inmates - what I saw of them, most of the time I was in a non-prisoner area - seemed rather bored and empty of emotion. Maybe that's typical of some - but not all. A colleague had to also go to Wandsworth: he described a much darker image of that one.
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