Is it national 'be rude to a random person' day?

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Kirstie said:
Had a phone enquiry for the programme I run from someone who wanted to register but who didn't meet the entry requirements. I was trying to explain to them, politely that they weren't eligible for the course, but that there was an alternative they could do, and they slammed the phone down. I was trying to help them.

I hope you put the phone down and made rude gestures at it for a while.
Arch said:
I hope you put the phone down and made rude gestures at it for a while.

LOL no. I went straight for the big mug of tea and chocolate brownie solution.


Kirstie said:
Had a phone enquiry for the programme I run from someone who wanted to register but who didn't meet the entry requirements. I was trying to explain to them, politely that they weren't eligible for the course, but that there was an alternative they could do, and they slammed the phone down. I was trying to help them.
That would seriously pee me off. I would do what Arch said.
Kirstie said:
Oh not much with hindsight. A couple of things:

Had a phone enquiry for the programme I run from someone who wanted to register but who didn't meet the entry requirements. I was trying to explain to them, politely that they weren't eligible for the course, but that there was an alternative they could do, and they slammed the phone down. I was trying to help them.

Had a consultation meeting with one of our teaching groups over changes/improvements to the programme, and one of the professors publicly berrated me essentially for the actions of my predecessor. Wouldn't even listen to my explanation, just went off on one, slagging me, the programme, the school etc off. It wasn't necessary really.

As I say it's nothing much but twice in one day at the end of a long week where I have tackled, and occassionally solved, problem after problem, taken big decisions, dealt with loads of difficult queries etc just pisses me off.

As my old mum used to say ... f uck 'em.;)
Maz said:
That would seriously pee me off. I would do what Arch said.

Yeah it did me too.
I don't think people like being told, no matter how politely, that they can't get what they think they're somehow entitled to by virtue of not being as brilliant as they think they are.

Good thing is she won't be coming anywhere near my programme...
You know what. On a one off basis I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. Often you find it's not you they're having a go at, you're just on the end of their frustrations over something else. I tend to find that flinging something breakable that won't be missed, hard at the wall and watching it shatter is quite therapuetic. Just wrap your frustration into it and watch them all dissipate on impact: Then get the cup of tea, job done. Staplers are good, cheap calculators are better or find a use for that old mobile you'll never use again :biggrin:;)
Crackle said:
You know what. On a one off basis I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. Often you find it's not you they're having a go at, you're just on the end of their frustrations over something else. I tend to find that flinging something breakable that won't be missed, hard at the wall and watching it shatter is quite therapuetic. Just wrap your frustration into it and watch them all dissipate on impact: Then get the cup of tea, job done. Staplers are good, cheap calculators are better or find a use for that old mobile you'll never use again :biggrin:;)

Apples and satsumas are what i use. But it needs to be an outside wall :biggrin:


Secret Lemonade Drinker
When people are rude or impolite to me (but want something) I usually let them fly off the handle, then calmly do what was required, and tell them in front of everyone what I did, how little a problem/easy it was, and not to be so offensive in future. Always works for me.


Legendary Member
Arch said:
You could also blow a raspberry at the phone after you put it down.

My mum had someone be quite abusive to her after he thought he'd put the phone down, probably showing off in front of his colleagues.

He got a shock when she phoned him straight back and put him straight :biggrin:.


Vice Admiral
I was in a pub the other week, and waited at the top of the stairs as someone was coming up the stairs. She stopped near the top and boomed at me, "Function Room".

As there was no polite reference as in "Where is the?" or Please where is, I completely ignored her, with just a quizical raise of the eyebrows. :biggrin:
Nothing odd in that encounter you might think, but she is a Vicar. :biggrin:


Vice Admiral
When working as a Volunteer Ticket Clerk on the Severn Valley Railway, some one once stood in the Booking Office and tried to start arguing with me that women should not be on the working side of the Railway.

I just nodded nonchalantly, as if to say, "Well of course you are entitled to your opinion" and continued with my work of getting ready to open the Booking Office, sorting out Ticket reservations etc etc. By not answering his onslaught of critiicism, he got more and more apopleptic with rage. :biggrin:
And I had not even said anything.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
Speicher said:
When working as a Volunteer Ticket Clerk on the Severn Valley Railway, some one once stood in the Booking Office and tried to start arguing with me that women should not be on the working side of the Railway.

I just nodded nonchalantly, as if to say, "Well of course you are entitled to your opinion" and continued with my work of getting ready to open the Booking Office, sorting out Ticket reservations etc etc. By not answering his onslaught of critiicism, he got more and more apopleptic with rage. :biggrin:
And I had not even said anything.

What a ******* tosser :smile:

Prats like that DESERVE a slap

(rolls up sleeves):biggrin:
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