Is road cycling more dangerous than mountain bikeing

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Andrew 14

Active Member
I have started to cycle agen after a few years away .I used to ride a mountain bike and always went out with a club or other group never alone . The two main reasons for this was its more fun in a group and should you fall off and hurt your self you wouldn't be alone .the point i am trying to make is I thought of Mtb as a potentially dangerous sport . However although many of my friends and i suffered miner cuts and bruises one one died . However I now ride a road bike and go out alone and I am beginning to think its more dangerous than mountain biking . Every time I go out I am amazed at how little respect you get from some car drivers and there has been reports on the news about cycleists being killed . Will it be safer in a group do cars give you more room ? Do you think it's safer on a mtb away from the cars


There is off road cycling and then there is off road cycling. There is road cycling and then there is road cycling.
Learning to do either activity in a safe way is the key


Seems to me with mountain biking nature is the danger, with road it's people. Least with nature you know what to expect. People are unpredictable and therfore probably more dangerous!


Legendary Member
All depends if you crash or not.

Thus far, I have not had an accident on my road bike, which I have been riding regularly for about a year.

When I used to do off road cycling I had loads of spills, crashes, slides, and at least two spectacular over the handlebar moments ( actually one of those moments scared the crap out of me, I thought I'd done myself some serious damage, I couldn't get up for about 30minutes, it took me about three months to get my confidence back) .

I loved mountain biking me.

Andrew 14

Active Member
You can choose where to ride your mtb how fast and how hard you have control of these things . However maybe what i was traying to say is you have no control over other road users . The biggest risk as I see it is not falling off but being knocked off with little chance of a soft landing . I'm not having a downer on road cycling I am really enjoying it I was just trying to compare the risks .


Legendary Member
I've fallen off my mountain bike dozens or even hundreds of times.

I've never (yet) fallen off my road bike in 5000 miles.

I think road biking is safer.


Legendary Member
As long as you are cycling sensibly and with awareness of what's going on around you, road cycling is a perfectly safe pursuit. You are much less likely to fall off than if you were mountain-biking.

Andrew 14

Active Member
As long as you are cycling sensibly and with awareness of what's going on around you, road cycling is a perfectly safe pursuit. You are much less likely to fall off than if you were mountain-biking.

As I have said I don't think falling off is an issue however I was aware off the car overtaking me agents on coming traffic . I was aware off the car overtaking me when I was turning right . I was aware off the car overtaking me pulling a caravan unfortunately I think the driver forgot . And I was VERY aware of the s***ing big bus overtaking parked cars heading straight for me
It's likely to be one or the other, if not both.

Certainly there are persuasive arguments on both sides.

My considered view is that of the two, the less perilous may by the same token be by a small margin the more exposed to danger.

I hope I have helped but fear that perhaps I have not.


Legendary Member
As I have said I don't think falling off is an issue however I was aware off the car overtaking me agents on coming traffic . I was aware off the car overtaking me when I was turning right . I was aware off the car overtaking me pulling a caravan unfortunately I think the driver forgot . And I was VERY aware of the s***ing big bus overtaking parked cars heading straight for me
But none of them actually hit you! Of course there are idiot drivers out there but vanishingly few of them will be deliberately trying to hit you. While there are times that it may not feel that safe out on the road, the statistics show that it is a reasonably safe thing to do. That's not to say there are a lot of things which could be done to make it a lot safer.
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