Is the pandemic cycling craze here to stay?

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
For a serious answer, look in the Highway Code. That's what instructors teach.
So, passing without fully changing lane, less than 2m clearance? :sad:
So, passing without fully changing lane, less than 2m clearance? :sad:
View attachment 570497
I don't see L plates or an instructor in that car.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
They can't win with the driving test. If you took a survey from the public about whether the test should be made more difficult (Which it has done by some margin over the last three decades) nearly everybody would say yes.

Then when son or daughter fails because they didn't drive like an experienced driver people start complaining about fussy examiners and fixed pass rates.

I would agree that the test has become more demanding. I took (and passed) my test in a car, in 1965. Then, many years later, age 65 (2012) I decided to take a motorcycle test (long story). It was much more difficult with both theory and practical, and a section on navigating. Much to my surprise, on the day, I passed.


How far can I go?
I went out for a spin on Saturday and saw loads of people out and about on their bikes. Not just roadies, but several families and people on everything from road bikes to hybrids and mountain bikes. Let's face it, weather has been atrocious recently. Saturday was the first nice day in a while (and my first outside ride since Christmas eve), and people were out in droves. And everyone was sticking to the rules that I saw.


I'm a returnee.. Last cycled in the mid 80s on my 10 speed racer and bmx when I was a teenager living on the west coast of Scotland... Fast forward 30 odd years and after retiring from rugby I found myself at a sporting loss... Tried a number of different sports but to no avail.. I saw all the bods appear in LD1 and toyed with the idea of getting back on two wheels.. Bit the bullet late August and bagged a second hand boardman hybrid pro....knew within the first mile of riding out into the Severn valley that this is what I much so that I've entered my first ever cycling event on the 2nd of May and have spent the last 3 months doing a combo of in and out door rides getting as ride fit as possible.... Will I carry on cycling..course I will.


Nice to see lots of people out in family groups and out with their partners. Most new cyclists I've seen have bought a mountain bike type machine. They seem to be the popular choice.


Senior Member
I had assumed that the new cyclists had vanished, since it’s been pretty quiet since the turn of the year. However, lots of families were out cycling along the cycle paths last weekend. A good sign for the longer term, I think.
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