The prevailing winds can blow in any direction. The wind on saturday for example is south westerly.
"it's got a certain, charm"
hmm, but that's nearly ALL it's got, sadly
you NEED new gears for touring?
absolute load of cobblers.
this one for instance, is £169 and is advertised as having a triple. Bet it's a damn sight lighter, aswell - it's aluminium rather than steel, and doesn't have a weird design with excess tubes where it
doesn't shouldn't need them.
"The bike
might not have the means of mounting a rack either"
yes, it MIGHT not. So make sure you don't check it out so you don't discover that it does.

ok yep, fine. So make sure you never cycle too far from a wilko's so when the head breaks off your dog bone spanner you can always just pop in for a new one.
hmm, can see the logic to most of that last bit, especially the last sentence. Beweare though that land's end itself isn't a public town as such, so much as a tourist attraction - when i went there as a kid you had to pay to get in. Don't think it's much, only a couple of quid probably but don't spend all your money on energy bars along the way and then not be able to complete the route 'cos some little hitler with a turnstile is standing in your way.