I've just met the Minister of Defence ...

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Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
... the German one that is, who visited my place of work today and I was presented as the resident, tame, Brit civvy. Loads of TV and normal press there so I'll be watching the local news tonight and scouring the local papers tomorrow.

Anybody else met anybody famous today?
Andy in Sig said:
... the German one that is, who visited my place of work today and I was presented as the resident, tame, Brit civvy. Loads of TV and normal press there so I'll be watching the local news tonight and scouring the local papers tomorrow.

Anybody else met anybody famous today?

This may be a question for FM. He mentioned meeting Al Gore and that he's doing a lot of TV work at the moment. :tongue:


New Member
Lot of name dropping going on in this forum at the moment, chatting with Al Gore, drinking with Boris Johnson, meeting the German Defence Minister!

Whatever next, popping round to 10 Downing St. for a cup of sugar? Or maybe just catching up with Kylie over a mocha at Starbucks?!?!


Yours, anonymously (just another Pleb!). Peyote.


Master of the Inane Comment
Right, so it's definitely the Tagesschau tonight then. I assume that is where you will enjoy your 2,3 seconds of fame, unless it was one of these useless satellite channels ....

I once met one of the four original Daleks, but I suppose that doesn't count.
Peyote said:
Lot of name dropping going on in this forum at the moment, chatting with Al Gore, drinking with Boris Johnson, meeting the German Defence Minister!

Whatever next, popping round to 10 Downing St. for a cup of sugar? Or maybe just catching up with Kylie over a mocha at Starbucks?!?!


Yours, anonymously (just another Pleb!). Peyote.

Whereas over at BR, someone's going to meet his new probation officer. :?:
Andy in Sig

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Unkraut said:
Right, so it's definitely the Tagesschau tonight then. I assume that is where you will enjoy your 2,3 seconds of fame, unless it was one of these useless satellite channels ....

I once met one of the four original Daleks, but I suppose that doesn't count.

I reckon SWR local news or Sat1. Should be in the local rag tomorrow though. I'm the distinguished looking one in the pale suit.


I met darth vader once...he's as scary as he looks in the films :tongue: ....my grandson kept telling me....'he's not real grandad' :?:


Master of the Inane Comment
Andy in Sig said:
Unkraut said:
Right, so it's definitely the Tagesschau tonight then. I assume that is where you will enjoy your 2,3 seconds of fame, unless it was one of these useless satellite channels ....

I once met one of the four original Daleks, but I suppose that doesn't count.

I reckon SWR local news or Sat1. Should be in the local rag tomorrow though. I'm the distinguished looking one in the pale suit.

Well, fame at last? I am afraid I missed all the news last night, taxi Dienst for one of the endless end-of-school-year Fests and then popped back to work (like you do) to get more done before today's deadline.


hmm... in a previous life: Al Gore, Jesse Jackson (the most genuine politician I have ever met and very impressive - best President the Americans will never have), Ralph Nader, and assorted Congressmen and Senators who are not so well known over here...

In another life, I was friends of friends with guys in bands like Supergrass and Radiohead (before they were both really famous) and occasionally used to have a drink with them. At the same time I knew quite a few well-known figures from the environmental movement in the UK.

These days: plenty of government ministers, politicians, very senior officials, and pressure group leaders from UK and abroad... some of whom are well-known, some important but not so well-known.
Flying_Monkey said:
These days: plenty of government ministers, politicians, very senior officials, and pressure group leaders from UK and abroad... some of whom are well-known, some important but not so well-known.

[sour faced egotistical attention seeking stance]

Hrrmph, you'd be nothing without me, you know...

[/sour faced egotistical attention seeking stance]



New Member
Unkraut said:
Right, so it's definitely the Tagesschau tonight then. I assume that is where you will enjoy your 2,3 seconds of fame, unless it was one of these useless satellite channels ....

I once met one of the four original Daleks, but I suppose that doesn't count.

I once met Willam Hartnell the first Doctor Who, at the time he was battling Daleks and Cybermen, I was so excited, but I was probably only 7 at the time!
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