Know your heart rate like your pin code

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Lavender Rose

Specialized Fan Girl
Ashford, Kent
Same as the BMI scale - it just goes on facts and figures and not individual circumstances. I have a bodybuilder friend, eats really well exercises and is strong, but because he's solid and slightly shorter than average, the BMI scale rates him as....OBESE?!! :cursing:

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
It says that unless you know your blood pressure and cholesterol number then the heart age is not personal to you. The number will just be based on population studies of risk factors.

It is a difficult one as other averages like a resting heart rate between 60-100 are for sedentary adults. Being lifelong active my resting heart rate is much lower than the norm.


Über Member
I know my BP and cholesterol as I get an annual health check. I don't worry too much about BMI as its only a guide. The test says that my heart age is slightly under my real age.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
They don't ask you your resting or exercising heart rate. Also,i know i have 'perfect' blood pressure as i was told so on my last medical,but 'cause i don't know the actual numbers i had to accept the national average one. It gave me a heart age of 64. I'm 58.


Started young, and still going.
My last blood pressure reading was 120/78 which i was told was fine. On the BBC heart test thingy I had the heart of a 70 year old, even though I am 61, not over weight, exercise every day and eat healthily. I wouldn't put too much faith in the accuracy of these on line tests.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I wouldn't worry about anything the so called experts say. I have no doubt that next week they will come up with something else to scare the bejeesus out of people. It is a bit like waiting for a bus. Miss one and another one will be along in a minute. It is the same thing with so called experts.

Blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol can only be looked at when you take everything about an individual person as a whole including general fitness level, diet and weight. Trying to lump everyone into a tiny gap is crazy and stupid. My advice is to stop looking at rubbish. Everything in moderation is a goofd mantra.
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