Let's help poor Katie

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Katie Hopkins, now Katie Price. If you have any relatives called Katie, please check in on them now. And in particular, their finances.

Oh, and I wouldn't let my child invite a friend called Katie to their birthday party. You just never know how they could turn out, and it would be embarassing to be associated with them! ;)

Poetic justice for that gobby bint.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
They split some time ago. He lost all his memorabilia when she stopped paying for storage in America. One wonders why all his memorabilia was in America, in the care of his ex-wife, though ...


Looks like they were married for 11 years - a long time in football in which 'relationships' are often measured in hours.

As Spurs fans, we used to give Mrs Wright terrible abuse for being, er, calorifically challenged.

I say 'we', such behaviour was beneath me, obviously.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Poetic justice for that gobby bint.
Hard to call it poetic justice when she brought it all on herself. To be honest, unless I see her moving into modest rental accomodation and taking public transport / standard class rail, bankruptcy looks more like an financial wheeze carefully crafted by an expensive accountant than a genuine attempt to avoid destitution from unpayable debts.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Check out the boomers asking who Katie Price is. If only there was a worldwide interconnected system of computers that allowed you to search for the name. I bet you lot don't have TVs either.
Back in the ancient mists of time when real men were real men and snowflakes were cold things falling from the sky, celebrities actually had talent for doing things beyond just getting their mug (& boobies) on TV. i find myself living in an age where talentless publicity-seeking non-entities get plastered all over the place. I can't keep up with who the next big celeb is for five minutes.....:blush:.

a worldwide interconnected system of computers...?. Won't catch on...:okay:

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
I would imagine she has paid people to advise her and look after her, but who have done so badly. I think it's mildly misogynistic that we have a thread about Katie Price's money woes when there is not one about Ian Wright, for example, who is not bankrupt, but is on I'm A Celebrity ... because he owes HMRC a truck load of money as a result - guess what - of being exploited by people who were supposedly giving him good financial advice. Or, indeed, threads about Chris Sutton, Brad Friedel, John Arne Riise, David James - or any other of the 40% of footballers who declare themselves bankrupt after they finish playing - almost always because they took bad advice.

I do recall an interview with her once - probably in Loaded or FHM in the mid 90s - where she claimed she was on her way to becoming a billionaire, and wondering if she knew how large a number a billion is. I suspect that even given her loss of earning potential over the years, she could still command enough of a fee for events that she could start from nothing and earn enough in the next 2 years to live a nice life and save for the kind of retirement I aspire to - but whether or not will be enough for someone used to much more, I don't know.
Katie Price played the tabloids for all they were worth, and like many others before her discovered it was a dangerous game. Once they find writing good things about you is no longer news they will look for the bad.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Her financial woes have been further compounded by a judge who has ordered her to pay £140,000 in legal fees to her ex husband Alex Reid when when she showed a sex tape of themselves to a studio audience. A judgement in relation to damages will take place a later date which is thought may be over £100,000.
He'll have to take his place in line with other creditors though.


Legendary Member
Her financial woes have been further compounded by a judge who has ordered her to pay £140,000 in legal fees to her ex husband Alex Reid when when she showed a sex tape of themselves to a studio audience. A judgement in relation to damages will take place a later date which is thought may be over £100,000.
He'll have to take his place in line with other creditors though.
If she ever shows that tape of me and her there will be trouble:rolleyes:
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