Lights, how much is a life worth?

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No one is saying anyone/anything 'should not' have lights. Of course having lights when it's dark is advisable. But all these apparently invisible cyclists have been seen, so the onus really is on the looker to take extra care when it's dark, isn't it?
You neglect to mention the unlit ones that aren't seen at all, or are seen too late.


The unlit minority are only reasonably safe because the majority have lights. Imaging a scenario where no road users had lights of any sort on busy unlit roads.


The North
Years of motorcycling in all weathers taught me never to trust anybody, always look for wheel rotation and cover brakes and horn and not to move straight towards a driver, presenting a stationary object, but to move out across their field of vision.

This ^^ ^ ^ ^^ , as a motorcyclist of many years I totally agree., and carried that view into my cycling and commuting too .


The North
Slight diversion.

Ive spent a bit of time over the years in Luxor, and none of the Egyptians have car lights on at night , because they can see ! It works , over there yes ,but here ?
Different outlook and way of life . Flip side they have some horrendous multiple death bus /coach/ train incidents
Harold Shipman had a beard, worked for the NHS, wore trousers and black lace up shoes

I also fit this description, but I am not responsible for him murdring his patients


Senior Member
I purchased a bright front light for my bike. Was quite expensive, but I thought it would be worth it if it kept me safe.
But it seems even 2000 lumens doesn't stop drivers failing to see me and knocking me off :sad: I had it on slow flashing mode, plus I had a little LED phaart light on the front, she still
claimed she never saw me.
Its still good for the night rides I've been doing lately on the Trans Pennine Trail, looking forwards to the next one once my bruises subside a bit :smile:


Openly Marxist
I rode home without lights this evening, doubtless incurring the righteous judgement of people like the OP. It wasn't pitch black but it was well beyond lighting-up time. Drivers could see me easily, and it was a beautiful evening. Other people's lights spoiled it somewhat, though. I think what @Thomk says above is the opposite of the truth - there's a lighting arms race afoot, and the smaller and more vulnerable road users can only lose. Sadly, many cyclists are getting drawn into it, and are giving motorists a run for their money in terms of the brash dominance conferred by their increasingly powerful technology. I have made a conscious decision to power down a bit, and go for reliable but minimal lighting in most conditions, with a bit of extra power in reserve for familiar remote places and dodgy surfaces.

Mrs M

If I ride at night I always have a very bright front and rear light on solid and a rear and back on flash mode. Also make sure I am wearing a cycling specific fluorescent jacket. But I have no reflectors on bike, so guess I would be deemed illegal.
(I tried to purchase some reflectors recently at my LBS to be told they don't sell them as no demand.)
I try to be visible to other road users and always have lights on if it's a dull day, however, it's no guarantee that I am safe and it really depends on other road users.
I try my best to be "visible" and was quite concerned for the young guy I saw recently on a very busy roundabout in fading light, dressed in black, no lights, reflectors and wearing big headphones.


Smash the cistern
Is there some sort of program I can get that will just autopost the word "reflectors" onto any lighting thread?


Openly Marxist
I try my best to be "visible" and was quite concerned for the young guy I saw recently on a very busy roundabout in fading light, dressed in black, no lights, reflectors and wearing big headphones.

Another remarkable sighting of the invisible. Amazing.

Mrs M

Yes, I saw him, would my elderly father in law have though?
He knocked a motorcyclist into next week at a junction in broad daylight because " I didn't see him".


Openly Marxist
Yep, how many other "danger drivers" are out there though?
I am not the " light police" but just try to make myself as visible to other road users as poss, just in case.

Didn't you just say he knocked a motorcyclist off in broad daylight? So nowt to do with lights, then?
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