Lucky to walk away - Romford Cyclist Video

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Haven't seen this one posted. Yet again a helmet camera coming in handy (driver disputed it was her fault????)
Video OK but audio contains swearing - NFFW with the volume up!

YT Description of video:
Published on Jun 23, 2014

The second time I rode into London in an effort to gain some fitness, rather than take the train, ended like this.

I was travelling around 22mph through Romford. Drizzly conditions so I was being cautious around bends and roundabouts. I didn't expect this!

I just about got my hands to the brakes (it can just be seen on the frame before impact) but I had no chance of stopping.

I'm not quite sure how I wasn't seen. I'm over 6ft and was wearing a bright blue jacket. If I was seen then it's a very bad judgement in my speed.

After a very uncomfortable trip to the hospital in a neck brace and spinal board and various x-rays I escaped with just bruising. So I consider myself lucky.

At the time the driver was apologetic and was informed by the police that I was recording my ride and seemed to admit fault. But when it came to my insurance claim against her she disputed it. Safe to say the video has saved me a lot of hassle and 3 weeks later the cheque has already arrived from the insurance company.

My 4 week old Giant bike was written off but thanks to the guys at Cycle Store they put me one of the two they had left aside and I'm looking forward to getting back out there.

The below campaign didn't come soon enough!

I will say the condition of the cycle lanes are a disgrace along that road, along with many I come across. With the usual obstacles of parked cars, drivers edging out of junctions, pot holes, glass, drains - why would you cycle in a cycle lane?


North Carolina
Wow. They should give the driver jail time for disputing it.


Swinglish Mountain Goat
Great dismount, could have been a lot worse if he'd landed differently. Perhaps a flashing front light may have helped in the wet conditions...?


He is Beth Tweddle AICMFP.

That's a fantastic bit of spatial awareness to land on your feet like that. Nice work.

Can I also say that that is the most wince-inducing bit of cycle related video I have seen.


Firm and Fruity
I'd love to know how you can dispute what happened, there doesnt seem to be anything that could be disputed?
Every time I see these videos it makes me wonder if a small, cheap camera fitted to the handle bars would be sensible.
I love the guy swearing seconds before impact. On my one and only big crash with a van, I remember doing the same seconds before impact, once I knew there was no way of avoiding it. It seemed like a natural thing to do at time!


West Kent
I don't know why I watch these videos. It makes me shudder when I see the impact about to happen.... Glad you got the insurance sorted, but hope you get yourself fixed up quickly.


Rural Kent
That vid is also such a good illustration of why that kind of "cycle lane" is just a waste of paint. The bloke would have had no opportunity to cycle in it even if he wanted to, just car pulling out... parked lorry... car pulling out... ends just before actual danger at pinch point... etc etc. Should be required viewing for the numpties that ordered it done.
I'd love to know how you can dispute what happened, there doesnt seem to be anything that could be disputed?
Every time I see these videos it makes me wonder if a small, cheap camera fitted to the handle bars would be sensible.
I love the guy swearing seconds before impact. On my one and only big crash with a van, I remember doing the same seconds before impact, once I knew there was no way of avoiding it. It seemed like a natural thing to do at time!

That Greenford driver pleaded not guilty.
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