England : Greater Manchester Manchester to Blackpool 2013

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Active Member
Im in. Early start to try and hammer the first 10 or so miles to avoid the masses. My aim is to be sat in the beer tent by 10am. Group of 3 of us.


Me and my brother in law have a start time of 0630 so should avoid the masses.
Good luck everyone.


Senior Member
Did the ride today (slowly) and was shocked how few people were riding.

I've missed the last couple of years but the last time we did it you were always in groups of cyclists.

Today we could go for 10 minutes without seeing anyone. Set off at 9.30 so maybe everyone had already gone by then.


Random Resident
Crisscross it looks like you picked the perfect time, I got there around 7.30 and was it was surprised just how many were on the road already, I think the masses must have been reading this thread and all turned up early.

All the posts on here pointed to trying to miss the nodders , wobblers , etc , but I found the "experienced" cyclists were 90% of the problems that occurred out there today.

Also I lost count of red lights "experienced" cyclists just ignored and I am talking major junctions not minor country roads, I am no angel but riders out there today were just taking the pi**.

On the whole had a good day , and instead of going for the "time" I went for the enjoyment, and for the first time actually stopped at the watering and feeding holes along the way, and really enjoyed it, even getting to watch what looked like an under 7's footymatch on the field of the school that was the stop just after Preston.

Think I will give it a miss next year, or set off at 4am...


Senior Member
Hi DiddyDodds, we did wonder if we were the dreggs! With the hot weather and previous experiences I think lots set off earlier.
I thought helmets were compulsory, I was amazed at how many numpties weren't wearing them or had taken them off and strapped them to their back packs.
I stopped at all red lights and rode the event route in 3hrs 31mins as part of my 145mile ride today from home to the start then home again from the finish.
I averaged 17.3mph all ride.
Quite happy


+1 on helmets and red lights,i stopped at them as well as others passed me.


Well-Known Member
Things me and brother-in-law noticed were:
People not wearing helmets (I'm not that fussed about), people drinking and using phones on the move (this was far more annoying).
The extremes of full race team gear + expensive TT bikes to shorts and a plastic bag on the handlebars MTB - not really a pro or con, just interesting.
The former group tended to take the piss running red lights (this happened at pretty much every red light on the course), and on one occasion some nearly took out a family crossing the road on a zebra crossing. Don't get me started on the darwin-award nominees who thought they'd go up the inside of an artic, who's signalling to turn left at a set of lights. The artic ended up stranded, unable to move as more and more bikes just streamed up the inside preventing it from moving.
The mob-mentality seemed to be in play - it was as if most people were thinking the event riders have right of way no matter what. I stopped at a roundabout as there was traffic coming round, but after 20 bikes had piled on through forcing the cars to stop I ended up carrying on too. Even the marshalls seemed to be getting pissed off at it.

We started shortly after 7am, and spent most of the ride trying to pass slower riders with enough room to be polite. We got people trying to pass too close to us / between us and the people we're passing / crossing the white line into oncoming traffic. There were a few quiet spells, but on the whole it took us 4hrs 10 mins. I thought we'd crack 4 hours but not with the volume and behaviour of the bike traffic. I wouldn't fancy doing it again - I thought on a number of occasions that it was an appalling advert for cycling. Apologies - this has turned into a bit of a rant. It was my first organised ride but it's left me a bit cold. Is Manc > Blackpool worse than others, or are all larger events like this?

On the plus side, we both rode home went on to make it our respective first century rides, so that was good.


Random Resident
. It was my first organised ride but it's left me a bit cold. Is Manc > Blackpool worse than others, or are all larger events like this?


You are spot on ,, it was the worse one I have done, and it was not a rant it was exactly what I saw as well .
It is the one event you do get (in my opinion) to many riders on , try the Manchester 100 that's far better.

Sadly I will be giving the M to B a miss next year.

I bet the southern lot are saying "try the London to Brighton" if you want mass lunacy ...
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