Manchester to Blackpool Night Ride 29-30th September 2012

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I'm just using my usual commuting lights. All cateye and very decent. I've got a new Topeak helmet light too just for those pesky roundabouts. Not registered myself yet but will probably do it on the night or not at all. Not sure about a cafe that's likely to be open at about 5 in the morning. You only set off from Trafford Centre at 1am. Gez


Über Member
You only set off from Trafford Centre at 1am. Gez
Thought it was a midnight set off?


No was 1am last year as far as I can recall. Someone who has registered might be able to confirm. You can get there from 11pm I think. I was there just before midnight.
I believe there is a cafe that opens at 5am for cabbies but not sure if it will be open on a Sunday morning I'll ask a friend who is a cabbie and get back to you on that one...


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
My pack's arrived today.

Assembly is from 11.30pm.

Set off is in "pulses of 40 at 2 minute intervals at midnight".

We'll need a cafe from about 3.30am-ish?

It's 52 miles and the finish line is by the Tower. There is a refreshment point next to 'Comedy Carpet' so if that's all we can find beforehand we could meet up there.

They're suggesting hi-viz - I'll definately have my hi-viz overshoes :becool: so will be at least identifiable.


Good stuff DCLane, are you planning on getting there by 3.30? What number are you out of interest? Wondering how many have registered this time. Gez


There's several McDonalds in Blackpool but from what I can gather they are not open until 5am. A search on their site shows a few and a couple of them seem very near the seafront. Just a thought for a brew and a bit to eat before the trip back. Gez


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Good stuff DCLane, are you planning on getting there by 3.30? What number are you out of interest? Wondering how many have registered this time. Gez

I haven't got my number yet - they're on the way at the end of the month.

The guide states "We will not be issuing start times, but you will be asked to line up at the assembly area according to your own arrival time".

I'm leaving the car at the Trafford Centre - so happy to meet up with others there.

They've got 3 official 'refreshments stops' but you've got to pay for everything. My plan is to stop for water/toilets at the middle one if needed but otherwise not to stop - hence the idea of doing it in 3 1/2 - 4 hours.


Yeah I stopped once myself at a garage that wasn't open, a proper garage not a petrol station. Should not have bothered. Yes I thought the distance was closer to sixty miles. We got lost out of Preston and entered Blackpool from the East without doing the coastal leg . Think we probably did more than was required. We should be able to meet at the Trafford Centre before setting off and try to leave together. We parked on one of the carparks having been guided there and it was a short walk to Barton Square and the start point. It's well organised at each end and there is food available at the finish.


Was going to enter this ride but I believe the return transport booking at £25 from Blackpool to Manchester closed last Friday 17th August. Don't think I would make it both ways as this would be a round trip of over 100 miles.


It's not as daunting as it might sound. I only commute 110 miles a week over five days but still think I will manage the return trip. Got met and picked up after last years ride but wish I'd cycled back ever since. You have more than a month to prepare. You should do it.


The logistics for me are to ride back to the Trafford Centre, where I'm leaving the car. Simples ... ^_^

I thought about leaving it at Blackpool and going down during the day as well, with the return trip being the M2B night ride.

I don't mean to sound rude or pushy, and I apologise is you have already considered this.

If you are awake all day saturday, then riding through the night, how safe will you be to then drive home?

I know the FNRTTC advise against it, and there was an incident due to someone driving home after an event last year.
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