Misery guts that I am, I'm longing for autumn

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Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
I've got a 50 mile ride planned for tomorrow, and the same coming home again on Sunday when it'll be nudging 90 degrees. I was looking forward to it until I saw the forecast!
Mrs S is the same, she much prefers the dark nights :wacko:

I don't handle heat to well myself, and being fair haired(ish) and fair skinned it doesn't handle me well either, but I'd still far rather have the long days than the dark nights personally.


Legendary Member
Our summers are +90f for about 3 months of the year and you sort of get used to it after a few years.

The trick for me is carrying enough water. The humidity is often +85% and so I'll drink at least a litre an hour and so all my long rides have to be planned via water stops to refill bottles.

I too look forward to autumn and winter too. Winter temps hover around 50-60f with clear skies, great cycling weather.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Move back here then - currently hissing it down !

Not on the bike today, but going for an early dart, fling the bikes on the roof, then off to North Wales.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
What all this F degrees in real money work out at ?:blush:
[quote="marzjennings, post: 1989344, member: 5699"

I too look forward to autumn and winter too. Winter temps hover around 50-60f with clear skies, great cycling weather.[/quote]
Tell a lie my cycle speedo for some reason works in F when using mph , it was 64 degrees here yesterday at 7 pm and it was just nice, winters here get to ..( gets fingers out to find converter ) about 23 f and i have been out in 14 f which was bracing :santa:


Senior Member
My wife an I both hate hot weather. Its not so bad on a bike as you at least get some breeze. We would never holiday in warm climbs and we take our holiday in October. We're much more snow and blizzard people than beach and pool people. Give me Alaska any day to any where hot.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Oh stop winging. Water has been falling from the sky all day, and forecast to continue.
I'd rather have the heat!

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I love the hot weather. I love dripping with sweat on the bike and being able to wear a s/s top without worrying about rain and cold. It lasts little enough time and after a succession of poor summers I'll take every drop of sunshine on offer.
40 degC is a bit excessive but the 30 we've been promised tomorrow and the mid 20s today is all good.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
It's currently 38c outside, forecast for 40 over the weekend. I'm going nowhere.

Autumn is my favourite time of year by a long chalk. I just don't handle the heat at all well, makes me feel like a right misery 'cause you're supposed to like the summer aincha?

No idea what temp is outside except very hot in the sun. In the 'garage' where the thermometer is the temp is 32c and where I am sitting it is 26c ( very well insulated, north-facing) . I do like the heat so long as it is not humid. When very young in Cyprus, I could never understand why everyone stayed indoors in the afternoons with the shutters over the windows. I hate to worry you but it's f'cast to be 7c hotter tomorrow. Get that place by the swimming pool ready! (Paddling pool in my case).


Legendary Member
What all this F degrees in real money work out at ?:blush:
[quote="marzjennings, post: 1989344, member: 5699"

I too look forward to autumn and winter too. Winter temps hover around 50-60f with clear skies, great cycling weather.
Tell a lie my cycle speedo for some reason works in F when using mph , it was 64 degrees here yesterday at 7 pm and it was just nice, winters here get to ..( gets fingers out to find converter ) about 23 f and i have been out in 14 f which was bracing :santa:[/quote]

Good ol' USA and their love of old units, temp in fahrenheit, weight in pounds, distance and speed in miles, engine size in either litres or cubic inches, water bottles in ounces, food in cups.
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