More cyclists using lights ?

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Über Member
Saw a guy last week riding to work at about 7am with no lights or hi viz anything. Ironically the guy is a scaffolder and after arriving at work it would be compulsory for him to wear hi viz clothing. Some people are just beyond stupid.


Getting there, one ride at a time.
I drove home tonight, my journey was 5 miles as I went into town as well and I saw 6 cyclists with no lights. Coincidentally, they also had dark clothing and nothing reflective at all.

I have discovered I am jealous of the Deliveroo drivers jackets as well. They are very reflective and light up like a Christmas tree!
They stopped Mr SHK one year in Oxford. He had lights. I'd take the figures with a pinch of salt.
(In Manchester, loads riding without lights at the moment. I think it's the student population mostly.)


Well-Known Member
I've spotted a lot of riders up here in North Manchester too with no lights, Cheetam Hill, Prestwich & Whitefield etc, so I don't think it's fair to assume it's mostly the student population.

When I was in Witney a few years a police initiative made the news where they would fine cyclists without lights but the fine would be waived if you turned up at a police station with proof you'd bought some lights.

Maybe this should be trialed up here, similar to the VDRS system used by traffic cops to ensure defective motor vehicles are repaired.
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Legendary Member
It's a strange thing, unlit cyclists in an urban environment can usually be seen, there's enough lighting and while I don't condone it (God knows, I did it enough years ago) doesn't surprise or bother me generally.
But...unlit country roads I use, I see a guy on a mtb most mornings, no lights, and every time there are converging cars from each direction, you sense the uncertainty from the 50/60mph drivers, the nervousness of the cyclist, he usually gets almost on the verge itself...quite simply he's risking his blooming neck and causing havoc on the road. I see he now wears hi vizier but still no lights. One morning if it's safe to do so I'm going to slow and suggest he get some lights for chrissakes. A few quid for you families peace of's not too much to ask is it ?

But in general, I think far more cyclist do use lights nowadays, usually pretty effective ones too.


Über Member
[QUOTE 4540050, member: 9609"]102 caught in three hours

Oxford police seem to run this 3 hour operation most years at this time and it does seem the situation is improving.
2011 - 162
2012 - ?
2013 - 171
2014 - 267
2015 -167
2016 - 102

here is one I spotted last week (not in Oxford)


I just had to watch this THREE times before I spotted the twit


Legendary Member
Of the 3 options available to those stopped, none of them actually required them to get lights fitted.

I would prefer them to use the VDRS system where you have to turn up at a police station with lights attached to your bike.

The time they were stopped sounds a bit odd as well. Is 5.30pm rush hour in Oxford?

They could do this at 6am for a couple of weeks and I think thd message would get across much quicker.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
It totally pees me off to see children riding around here with no lights! Why don't their parents buy at least some cheap lights then they'll be seen and be legal? The police mustn't stop them so they'll think they'r not doing anything wrong.Oi parents! Spend that money you normally give to the National Lottery on some lights for your child's bike and coppers, do your job!!:headshake:


Smash the cistern
It totally pees me off to see children riding around here with no lights! Why don't their parents buy at least some cheap lights then they'll be seen and be legal? The police mustn't stop them so they'll think they'r not doing anything wrong.Oi parents! Spend that money you normally give to the National Lottery on some lights for your child's bike and coppers, do your job!!:headshake:
fark yeah!


Rollin' along
Manchester way
I've spotted a lot of riders up here in North Manchester too with no lights, Cheetam Hill, Prestwich & Whitefield etc, so I don't think it's fair to assume it's mostly the student population.

When I was in Witney a few years a police initiative made the news where they would fine cyclists without lights but the fine would be waived if you turned up at a police station with proof you'd bought some lights.

Maybe this should be trialed up here, similar to the VDRS system used by traffic cops to ensure defective motor vehicles are repaired.

We do have an ongoing but infrequent version that clams to deal with general on road issues motor vehicles with no/defective lights, no seatbelt on, etc too

Operation Considerate is GMP's latest name for it. you had to attend an awareness session rather than present proof of lights etc but that got the same waiver of FPN. I forget what it was called before but it was quite clearly a cyclist bashing exercise and got so much negative reaction they had to rename it.

I was at a council BUG a couple of years back where the figures for several days of targeted stops in central Manchester and a very similar scheme that had inspired it in central London were presented by a traffic PCSO. A few minutes number crunching at the back of the room showed than I was pro-rata 80x more likely to be stopped by GMP than the Met Police on my bike but less than half as likely to be stopped in my car.

As for lights and reflective at night. its a no brainer for me.


Legendary Member
It's all the more ridiculous given that LED lights are so cheap, so lightweight and last so long or are even rechargeable.

Driving into Preston from the M6 you pass through a fairly rough area and you are guaranteed to see a handful of yoofs swerving around all over the road, dressed in black with no lights. Actually there's a strong feeling that they are daring a motorist to take issue with them or even hit them, so brazen are they. I guess the BMX or mountain bike is the preferred transport of the urban idiot crew and to have lights would defeat the object of the bike as a means of quick getaway.

These people are not cyclists, they are just idiots on bikes. Many cyclists commute between Preston and the huge BAE Systems complex at Samlesbury a few miles east on the A59 and they always have good lights and bright clothing.

It's the same distinction as between idiots on motorbikes, see UK Bikelife: and motorcyclists.
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