Morrison's has cyclists' safety as a priority

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mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
Confused by your title ? He doesnt seem to do anything that a normal driver of any veichle wouldnt do. Cool of you to mail them though Matt nice one :thumbsup:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Bear in mind though that the driver shouldn't strictly overtake by driving in the hatched area on the road. Wouldn't want a considerate driver to get caught out by this.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Bear in mind though that the driver shouldn't strictly overtake by driving in the hatched area on the road. Wouldn't want a considerate driver to get caught out by this.
Depends on your interpretation of rule 130 of the Highway code. If the hatched area is bordered by BROKEN white lines, as in this case, then "you should not enter the area unless it is necessary and you can see that it is safe to do so". I would say that in order to make reasonable progress, then it is necessary to enter the hatched area to overtake the cyclist in this case, and it would appear that it was safe to do so. The driver didn't do anything special IMO, just what he is supposed to do, and I would suggest that it is the actions of the individual driver that deserves the credit rather than Morrisons. He probably doesn't even work for Morrisons. Their Scottish RDC at Bellshill is sub-contracted to Norbert Dentressangle, although to look at the trucks they all appear in Morrisons liveries. Probably find that other RDCs are also run by sub contractors or even agencies.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Depends on your interpretation of rule 130 of the Highway code. If the hatched area is bordered by BROKEN white lines, as in this case, then "you should not enter the area unless it is necessary and you can see that it is safe to do so". I would say that in order to make reasonable progress, then it is necessary to enter the hatched area to overtake the cyclist in this case, and it would appear that it was safe to do so. The driver didn't do anything special IMO, just what he is supposed to do, and I would suggest that it is the actions of the individual driver that deserves the credit rather than Morrisons. He probably doesn't even work for Morrisons. Their Scottish RDC at Bellshill is sub-contracted to Norbert Dentressangle, although to look at the trucks they all appear in Morrisons liveries. Probably find that other RDCs are also run by sub contractors or even agencies.
I doubt whether the driver could argue that the overtake there was necessary though. I'm not claiming it was unsafe but the HC as you've quoted it requires both conditions to be fulfilled.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Depends how far away his next drop was, and how much driving time he had left on his tachograph :laugh:.
There is a Morrison's in Rhyl (where this was) and I suspect he had just come from their. He was then either heading to the store in Denbigh (15 miles away) or onto the A55 to go somewhere else.

I dont think it really matters where he was going or if he was in a rush. He gave me plenty of room (more than a typical driver would at that point) and I just wanted to show how courteous he was.

The legality of whether or not the overtake was necessary is fairly self explanatory: Every overtake of a cyclist is unnecessary, however it will always happen because people like to drive at 30/40/etc mph instead of 20mph constantly behind a cyclist.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Every overtake of a cyclist is unnecessary, however it will always happen because people like to drive at 30/40/etc mph instead of 20mph constantly behind a cyclist.

I know you are relatively young Matthew, and from the above statement I have to assume you haven't yet sat a car driving test? If you are on your test and you sit behind a cyclist (or another car for that matter) which is sitting at 20mph and the speed limit is more than that (30, 50, 60, 70 etc.) and you do not overtake that cyclist/vehicle when it is safe to do so; then you will in all probability fail your test for failing to make reasonable progress.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
I know you are relatively young Matthew, and from the above statement I have to assume you haven't yet sat a car driving test? If you are on your test and you sit behind a cyclist (or another car for that matter) which is sitting at 20mph and the speed limit is more than that (30, 50, 60, 70 etc.) and you do not overtake that cyclist/vehicle when it is safe to do so; then you will in all probability fail your test for failing to make reasonable progress.
But then is it safe to enter the crosshatching area to overtake a cyclist? Ultimately, it probably will be at some point and I can understand where you are coming with regards to "reasonable progress".
IMHO If I was on a test and happened to be behind a cyclist at the exact same place, then I would have probably overtaken.
I doubt whether the driver could argue that the overtake there was necessary though. I'm not claiming it was unsafe but the HC as you've quoted it requires both conditions to be fulfilled.

In that case, an argument could be put forward that every single overtake is unnecessary. Why not just wait?

Once we move on from that and accept that making progress when lawfully possible to do so is fine, then I would argue that it is necessary to use the hatched area to increase Matts safety.

On police driving courses you are taught to enter them when overtaking.
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