Mundane News

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Today I considered buying jam.

And did you? And if you did, what kind was it? These things are important, you know. :biggrin:


Another hospital visit re too many red blood cells. Walked there, 2.8 miles and due to the initial lumpy route, 224ft upwards. Soon became slightly drizzly although no else seemed to think it required a hood up. My hair is that fine it quickly gets saturated. The appointment was 4.40 and the roads were quickly becoming congested. My crossing of the Stray was as quick as a bus that had to go around the other two sides of a triangle.
Unexpectedly it was raining heavier when I set off back home. Reversed the route back across the Stray before diverting for the 75p 2 pints semi skimmed from Waitrose and then retreated to the bus station. 1.35 miles with just 50ft upwards.
A game of bingo at the bus station with buses departing from the wrong stands and drivers shouting down the concourse trying to make sure they had got everyone. Once past Betty's it was a slow crawl pausing outside each shop / bar and Ripon Road ahead looked a car park. Then it suddenly cleared without any reason and the electric bus demonstrated its quick acceleration.
Rather soggy jeans quickly removed once home.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
St Ives
Have you measured the time it takes?
Might a significant number.
Could be the new π
How do you synchronise the push and lower actions?

I have not actually timed it but, if I have a spare moment tomorrow, I might.
Depressing the button with a thumb gives the opportunity of a flick with a pinkie to start the seat descent.. 👍
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Legendary Member
I went to a consultation about a planned conversion of a long-dead railway line into a greenway. It's at stage 2 of the process now, and seeing all the steps involved, I do wonder if I will live long enough to see it happen! Will be interesting though, and very scenic. Problems at the town end as someone built a house and a shed on the track bed. Also questions as to whether to build a new bridge or use the rail bridge which is partially dismantled.


Legendary Member
In other news, I apparently missed a call from Halifax today. I'm pleased they emailed me to tell me that. I wonder why they wanted to ring me in the first place.

I have also just been awarded a trophy for fifteen years of posting shite highly intelligent and informative posts on Cyclechat. :dance:


I went to a consultation about a planned conversion of a long-dead railway line into a greenway. It's at stage 2 of the process now, and seeing all the steps involved, I do wonder if I will live long enough to see it happen! Will be interesting though, and very scenic. Problems at the town end as someone built a house and a shed on the track bed. Also questions as to whether to build a new bridge or use the rail bridge which is partially dismantled.

That reminds me of a story concerning a radio / TV personality who had bought a house that backed onto an old railway line and sought to deny he had extended his garden. Bit difficult when the old railway line was plainly evident.


Leg End Member
father in law now sorted with his boiler.What a job.It seems the tank in the loft was full of sediment,so that along with the rads had to be drained and cleaned.Plus a new ballcock fitted.All is up and running he has noticed how much warmer the rads are,tonight will be his first bath in seven days,he told me he was taking up a pan scrubber.Bless him .
Doing his washing up whilst in the bath. That'll save some water.


Leg End Member
I went to a consultation about a planned conversion of a long-dead railway line into a greenway. It's at stage 2 of the process now, and seeing all the steps involved, I do wonder if I will live long enough to see it happen! Will be interesting though, and very scenic. Problems at the town end as someone built a house and a shed on the track bed. Also questions as to whether to build a new bridge or use the rail bridge which is partially dismantled.
Local council and West Yorkshire mayor are looking at reopening a viaduct and rail tunnel. Both previously owned by the L&YR. Curious as to how they're expecting people up to/off the old railway line at one end. Main issue being there's a mast on the bridge over a minor road, so no way past. Head the other way and the tunnel is blocked at the far end. Biscuit factory built there years ago, now its houses.
There's also a load of natural manure that requires moving at the far end.
Had a big bowl of vegetable & barley soup, then a nice wedge of Spanish omelette, roast baby plum tomatoes and bread & butter.

Watched the North Macedonia v England footy match. I think the ref needed to go to Specsavers.

Bay of E win has been paid for. I am now the proud owner of a very funky 1970s Watches of Switzerland "Seafarer" watch.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Back in the day I had a secretary who would make three lists of things that needed attention.

List 1 - you get fired if you don't do this.
List 2 - people, our boss, will notice if you don't read, do, know this.
List 3 - no one will care or notice. I already replied.

The 4th one was a bonus, most useful and totally unattributable
It included intelligence, the latest gossip. Like "LG and GS are visiting customer X together, 3 days! 2 nights in Prague. Oh yeah!"
"the stock price fell, Boston will be on the phone"

When I did such things, I used red, yellow, and green on the address of the e-mail to denote priority, rather the same system. I used IM for gossip, what the days celebrations were, and recipes or trivia.
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